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Here are a few tips to help you nearly a century later. That’s the Natalie McQueen is the Founder
get started. power one’s experience holds. of Gifts of Legacy, an international
Your experiences, your family bestselling author, Publisher
1. Start With Family: There are would connect with the fastest. with GMCP, and the Create Your
so many things close to our heart, Legacy Speaker and Coach. She
yet we may not realize their 3. Legacy List: In our journey is a Certified Mindset Mastery
importance unless we go away called life, we meet some Coach from the Global Mentoring,
from them or lose them—like incredible people, people who Coaching, and Publishing Center
the favorite recipe made by your inspire, motivate us, people who
grandma each Thanksgiving, the give us hope and desire to be Inc.
hot cocoa on Christmas, or adding more. Write it down or record a
a new family ornament for the voice note. Journal your views Natalie is a Self-Publishing
Christmas tree each year. They about them. What do they give & Best-Selling Expert. Her
seem so much like traditions. you, how do they impact your powerful marketing techniques
At young age, we may feel like lives? Sometimes, they create a have demonstrated success by
we are forced into following at desire in us to learn something, bringing over 150 authors to
times, however as we grow, we start a new hobby, or just travel the #1 international bestseller
miss them as we move away to a particular destination. Make rankings over the past 5 years.
from our family and grow up to a note of them. While you are She guides authors to showcase
understand how special those building a legacy, you can also their knowledge and specialty
traditions are. Write down the create your own legacy list of through book publishing,
things that you miss, you love, who you intend to be or what becoming a bestselling author, and
you would want to continue and you want to accomplish within implementing the right combination
pass on to your children. your lifetime.
of marketing strategies, and tools
2. Impactful Moments: We Before you go further just a few to create long-term consistent
experience life every day. In this don’ts: book sales. She believes books are
journey, there are failures and a beautiful way to leave a heartfelt
successes, good and bad days, • Don’t get caught up in a legacy.
impressionable moments, and so perfection mode – just go with
much more. When we experience the flow Through “Gifts of Legacy”, Natalie
them, they are fresh in our has created a one-of-a-kind
minds, and as time passes, we • Don’t get too hung up only system that guides people to
move on. We tend to forget the in one way – do it all. (videos, preserve their life experiences and
lessons we learned, or even the audios, write, type or any medium stories into cherished legacies. She
happiest moments as time fades of your choice) coaches families to formulate their
those details away. Write them traditions, wisdom, and expertise
down as they happen. It is not • Don’t wait until you are old – in a way that will touch the lives of
necessary to do this every day; start now.
however, just as those moments future generations.
happen, you capture them. These are just tips to get you
Imagine the amount of wisdom started. A jumping off point.
you would be collecting on your It’s a great start to an amazing
way. It would be incredible when journey ahead. For more tips –
your great grandchildren read feel free to drop me an email at
and learn. In one of the recent
articles, I read how one author
connected with words of Ralph
Waldo Emerson written in 1841,