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Creating A Movement
To Unite People For
by Len DeCarmine
“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we lived. It is the difference we have made to the lives of others
that will determine the significance of the life we lead,” - Nelson Mandela
What significant difference am I like Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Jim To New Beginnings
making in the lives of others? A Rohn, Zig Ziglar, and Les Brown,
question I had to ask myself as to name a few. I was mesmerized I met my two partners,
I began my career as a personal as they took the stage and Christopher Shiver and Fred
development coach. enlightened people with their Martinez, in a Meetup group,
passion and their words. learning to enhance our personal
I knew there was more to me in skills through Neuro-Linguistic-
my heart and soul than just being I would visualize myself joining Programming, otherwise known
a coach. I felt this internal calling them on stage, co-authoring as NLP.
for years that I needed to make books together, and becoming When I met Christopher, he
a significant change in others’ amazing friends. I spent hours was already an NLP Master
lives, but I failed to act on it. reading, training, listening to Practitioner, training and leading
audio cassettes, and taking notes. many classes. Fred and I were
It’s incredible how quickly life active participants in studying
passes us by. You begin to look Unfortunately, my life didn’t take everything we could.
back and wonder where all the that course as quickly as I would
time went in between where you have liked. I faced challenges, Our friendship began to grow
are now and where you want to roadblocks, and excuses, all of outside of class, grabbing lunch
be in life. which I created! or continuing our talks for hours
afterward. I shared a concept for
When I decided to retire from My life came to a halt, and a potential podcast with them,
real estate and become a coach, I realized I couldn’t do this they loved the idea, so it began.
I knew I wanted to significantly anymore. I looked in the mirror
impact the world and collaborate and said to myself, “I’m a coach It didn’t take us long to organize
with others to create change. now, and I need to be even and plan our first show. We knew
more responsible for my actions each of us was on a journey
I desired to empower people if I want to change the lives of looking for love, releasing the
by inspiring, influencing, and others. I need to embody a life of past, and building a life of
motivating them to achieve change and be in motion.” abundance. We tossed around
success, face their fears, and various names that encompassed
change their lives for the better. I our quest, and the Extraordinary
grew up learning from the greats Being Movement was born.