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A Movement In The Making
The first episode started in a
studio in downtown Phoenix, AZ.
Our episodes began as three guys
bantering about relationships,
dating, and the opposite sex.
“Our first show was exciting and
nerve-racking at the same time,”
shared Fred Martinez. “We had
no clue what we were doing, but
we had passion.” Christopher
Shiver shared, “I remember
doing our first show, and as we life. Many people feel that they you desire.
were going live, the cleaning need to “Have” an extraordinary
staff walked right in during our life to “Be” someone. Our Len DeCarmine is a personal
recording, and my mouth just goal is to help you rediscover development coach, speaker,
dropped. All we can do is keep the being that you are today trainer, and co-host of the
talking like it never happened, through a journey filled with new Extraordinary Being Movement
but did we laugh afterward.” perspectives, experiences, and podcast. His knowledge expands
After a few episodes and knowledge. into life & business coaching,
hypnosis, N.L.P., mindfulness, and
interviewing several local “Our movement is an ongoing cognitive-behavioral therapy.
professionals, we realized that leadership which is continually
the Extraordinary Being Movement transitioning. We unite people Fred Martinez is certified in N.L.P.
needed to be more significant so they can acquire the tools high-performance coaching,
if we wanted to make a shift in necessary to create meaningful certified in sports performance
individuals’ lives. We redirected change as the world constantly hypnosis, and co-host of the
our plan and created a new vision evolves,” stated Christopher Extraordinary Being Movement
to make a global movement to Shiver. Our movement focuses podcast. He is also the author of
empower people in personal on four core pillars which we the Financial Game Plan for Your
growth and achievement. “We’re coach on; Awareness, Growth, Dollars and Cents.
taking a stand for every person Action, and Impact.
in the world who seeks the Christopher Shiver is a certified
transformation and lifestyle they Making an Impact N.L.P. Coach and Master
desire.” shared Fred Martinez. Practitioner who is well versed in
He continued by saying, “Our So, what significant difference Ericksonian suggestion (hypnosis).
movement is to connect you with are we are making? Our He holds a Bachelor of Science in
the right people, resources, and Movement allows people to Psychology from Arizona State
training so you can build a life of expand their knowledge and University, focusing on cognitive
happiness and prosperity.” gain the appropriate resources neuroscience and co-host of the
to create change all in one place. Extraordinary Being Movement
A Movement Was Born Our podcast is just the tip of the podcast.
iceberg into the Movement. We
The name Extraordinary Being provide coaching services and To learn more, please visit
Movement is much more than just a network to connect you with their website at http://www.
an interesting name for a podcast leading authorities in personal extraordinarybeingmovement.
show. It’s a Movement to unit and business development. We com. You can also visit them
people together for the common are actively expanding into virtual on all social media platforms @
cause to generate awareness and and live events, masterclasses, an extraordinarybeingmovement.
enact change within themselves. online university, and publishing. Their podcast show is shared on all
major podcast hosting platforms
It’s about learning how to “Be” the The time to create change is such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify,
being you were born to be in this now! Join the Movement because Amazon Music, and Google
life, so you can “Do” the proper it’s never too late to design a life Podcasts.
steps to “Have” an extraordinary