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A Winding Road To
by Carol Koppelman
I’ve always been a storyteller. It all started when I was nine
years old. My father gave me a Composition Book, the kind
with a speckled black and white cover and lined pages. I would
write stories, poetry, draw, and escape into my own little
world. From that moment on, my dream was to be a writer
and an author.
But that dream would not manifest for I completed my degree with honors and divorce – to redemption through faith
quite some time. was consistently on the Dean’s List, in Godand abundant manifestation –
all while working full time, attending which included finding the love of my
Life happened and my dreams had to school full time, writing for a local arts life later in life.The core message – you
wait. I went to technical school and magazine, serving on several student are not alone.
became a Medical Transcriptionist, boards, and juggling several boyfriends!
a job that kept me consistently and My life has never followed a linear
comfortably employed for years. Sure, Diploma in hand, I started my new path – but many of my dreams have
I still wrote short stories, articles, and career as a journalist for a small come to fruition.It took vision, faith,
poems, and some were published in newspaper and eventually made a God’sperfect timing, and laser-focused
small magazines. pivot into corporate writing. I travelled action.
from coast to coast, working for several
But I ached for my true dream to Fortune 500 companies in diverse It worked for me – and it will work for
manifest. industries including food service, cyber you!
security, pharmaceutical, and nuclear
Then something magical happened energy. Carol Koppelman’s experience as a
in my early 30’s. My father got a job communicator includes technical
with the International Crops Research After several decades in the corporate communications for several Fortune
Institutefor the Semi-Arid Tropics world, I had another dream.I wanted 500 companies in a variety of industries,
in India, and my parents moved to own my own business, so I created including pharmaceutical, information
to Hyderabad. I visited them for a CPK Solutions, LLC. If you need technology, biomedical, food service and
month, during which time we travelled procedures, bios, or blogs, or just need nuclear energy.
throughout the country, from the help translating technospeak into clear,
East Coast to the West Coast to the concise language, I’m your woman. I’ve Carol is also a published journalist, poet,
tip. What I saw along the way - stark been doing it for nearly four decades. It and freelance writer and author.Her first
poverty heartbreakingly contrasted truly is my superpower. book, “Do the Necessary: Let the Rest Go
with opulent wealth – changed my to Hell,” debuted in February 2021. She
view of life. Recently, and I think, providentially,
another one of my dreams was fulfilled. is also a contributing writer to “The Art
I returned to the United States I became a first-time book author. of Connection: 365 Days of Networking
refreshed, inspired, and determined to Quotes by Entrepreneurs, Business
make a change. I quit my job, packed My debut book, Do the Necessary: Owners and Influencers,” and to another
up my Chevy Malibu, and moved to Let the Rest Go to Hell was published collaborative book debuting later this
California to finish my education. through Spotlight Publishing in year.
February 2021. A work of heart, it is
This time, I chose Journalism. my story – one of many transitions, Carol is CEO of CPK Solutions, LLC.
ups and downs – including a learning Contact her via
disability, emotional domestic abuse,