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Identify Your Ideal Customer expected cost to reach them based My team and I can help!
on your budget. If you already have Our team specializes in running
By defining who your ideal an eff ecti ve sales funnel, you can data-driven marketi ng campaigns
customer(s) is for a particular easily work backward to determine for your ideal customer online. Send
product or service you sell, you can your budget and expected results. us a message and get to learn how
craft a better advertising campaign Note that understanding the key we can help you get the most out of
that focuses on a smaller but performance indicators (KPIs) is key your marketi ng dollars.
relevant segment of the market. to a successful implementati on of __________________________________
This is cost-effective and is often any data-driven marketi ng strategy.
the difference between a successful Here are the essenti al elements Preston Martelly, co-founder of Java
and a failing marketing campaign. that can help measure the overall Logix, a full-service digital marketi ng
performance of your marketing agency in Canada. I help coaches,
Indeed, segmenting your audience strategy. consultants, local businesses, and
by gender, age, and location can non-profits around the world grow
save you thousands of dollars and Impressions: This refers to the their brands and create a steady fl ow
increase your chances of a successful total number of ti mes your brand of qualifi ed leads online. I work with
campaign. Get to know the pain or product is shown to your a team of super-talented marketers
points for your target customers. ideal customer. Keep in mind who have the technical and creati ve
Some of these pain points include that impressions are not acti on- know-how required to dominate your
ease of use, efficiency, time, and based. Instead, they involve competi tors in the digital world.
more. the user potentially seeing your
advertisement. I understand the struggle most
Other essential elements of entrepreneurs feel. You hear it every
defining your target customers Clicks: This is simply the number of day, and you know you need to be
include defining why they should ti mes your ideal customer performs online to thrive in today’s market,
prefer your brand instead of your your intended acti on (clicks on a but you lack the directi on, skills, or
competitors, their primary (and butt on, fi lls a form, add-to-cart, and ti me to build your online presence.
common) objective for interacting more.) I enjoy working with entrepreneurs
with your brand, and knowing who to strategize and develop an action
isn’t your target customer. Conversions: This is the number of plan to get them to their business
times your prospects reach the end goals. Along with the Java Logix team,
What’s Data-Driven Marketing? goal of the marketing campaign. I possess the skills to execute every
step. I can help with a professional
Data-driven marketing is a Analyzing these three key logo for your brand, or fully opti mize
strategy built on reliable insights performance indicators makes it your website; I can create promo
pulled from in-depth analysis of possible to measure the cost of videos, social media posts, or help
big data collected via consumer reaching your target customers drive clicks to buy your service. Our
engagements to make accurate (CPM) and how many ti mes data-driven strategies are predictable,
predictions about the consumers’ you must show your ad for your measurable, and scalable so that every
future behavior. This approach audience to click (CTR). Also, you minute or dollar spent on marketi ng
requires you to understand the data can successfully determine how has an intenti onal outcome.
that you already have, organize it, many individuals make it to the
analyze, and apply your findings in end of your marketi ng campaign If you need help taking your business
your decision-making process. objective (conversion rate) and the to the next level, contact me to
amount of money you make out schedule our fi rst strategy call.
Implementing a Data-Driven of every dollar you spend in your
Marketing Strategy marketing campaigns (ROAS).
Using some online advertising It’s Time to Get the Ball Rolling
platforms such as Facebook or ● Do you off er an outstanding
Google gives you access to valuable product or service?
data that you can successfully
collect from your ideal consumers. ● Do you know who your customer
These details can help determine is but have no idea how to reach
your audience size, and the them online?