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P. 34
Dr. John D: Well, I quote St. And the people who see things, Brian: That is fantasti c. Thank you
Corona and I know that’s offending I would say from a theological so much for being here, John. It was
some people. I don’t really care perspecti ve — but the level of an honor and a privilege to talk to
about it, because I think that they the essence of our soul, nothing’s you.
have chosen to see the doomsday. missing because we’re not judging.
But the level of the existence of our Dr. John D: Yes, thank you so
St. Corona has done amazing things. senses, things appear to be missing. much.
One, it dropped the market and And the things that appear to be
I bought a pile up of stocks and missing are the things we’re too Dr. John Demarti ni is considered one
everything. I’m going to make a proud or too humble to admit what
fortune out of it. Two, it’s actually we see in others inside ourselves. of the world’s leading authorities
changing the pollution level. Three, on human behavior and personal
it’s getting people together, it’s And when we judge, we empty our development. He’s the founder
bringing creativity together. It’s mind and we feel empty. But when of Demartini Institute, a private
opening up doors, it’s making we love, we feel fulfi lled. That’s why research and education organization
people go online. We have already if we only had 24 hours to live, we’d with a curriculum of over 72 courses
accumulated 1,700 things that have go to the people who contributed to covering multi ple aspects of human
been an upgrade as a result of it. our life and say, “Thank you, I love development.
So, if you choose to see all the
downsides of it, then you create that That’s the fulfi llment. If we have His trademark methodologies and
reality. But if you choose to see the grati tude every day and we think human development; the Demartini
upsides, then you create another about what we love, and we focus Method and Demartini Value
reality. I’ve been blessed by it. I and prioriti ze on what we love, we Determination are combinations of
learned how to do a whole bunch of have fulfi llment and more is given over 40 years of cross disciplinary
programs online that I haven’t been to us. Grati tude is the key that research and study and uti lize in all
doing it because I’ve been traveling opens up the gateway to the heart. human development industries across
extensively. And now, I’m reaching It’s the key to the gateway where the world.
people that I wouldn’t be able to love comes out and inspires the
reach in foreign countries. mind, enthuses the body and brings He travels all over the world where
certainty and presence to creation.
As far as I’m concerned, there is he shares his research and findings
no downside without an upside. Brian: Fantastic. Any final thoughts in all markets and sectors. He’s the
There’s always both sides. And as we close this out, John? author of over 40 books published in
wisdom is seeing both sides with 29 different languages. He’s produced
full consciousness instead of being Dr. John D: I want to say that over 60 CDs and DVDs covering
trapped in one sidedness. without a doubt, our thoughts subjects such as development and
become things. And our innermost relationships, wealth, education
Brian: And gratitude is a choice. dominant thought does become and business. And each program is
I think right now more than ever, outermost tangible reality. What we
we’re seeing that. I know you are think about, we do bring about. designed to help assist people to
huge with gratitude. We’ve talked activate leadership and empower all
previously and you’ve got massive I think this is a very important seven areas of their lives, including
gratitude journal that you do every message that Doug brings to the fi nancial, physical, mental, vocati onal,
day and have done every day world with movie, and I’m grateful spiritual, family and social.
for decades. How important has to be part of it. And I thank you for
gratitude been for you? helping us get some momentum He’s one of the featured experts in The
around it because sometimes people Secret and is also in the brand new
Dr. John D: I do that every day are playing victi ms of history and will be called How Thoughts Become
because I learned from my mom — I not realizing they could be masters Things.
was born on Thanksgiving Day. My of desti ny.
mom gave me a little message when
I was four. She says, “Make sure you The difference between the victim
count your blessings because those of history and the master of destiny
that you’re grateful for what they is how thoughts become things.
got, they get more to be grateful That’s the thing that makes the
for.” difference.