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What Reality Are You

                                                        Choosing To Create?

                                                                                       by Brian K. Wright

          I had the honor of interviewing Dr. John Demartini leading up to the new movie How Thoughts Become

          Things. Not only did we spent time discussing that, but we talked about a few other things as well, including

          overcoming learning disabilities, programing our brains for what we want, choosing to create our destiny

          instead of being a victim, and so much more.

          Brian:  Welcome, Dr. Demartini! Tell  in  surfi ng  at  age  17,  I  nearly  died.  Dr. John D:   I think really when I

          us a little bit about your background  And  that  led  me  to  a  litt le  health  was living on the streets, I saw some
          for people who aren’t familiar.      food store, which led me to a yoga  signs of it. But it wasn’t unti l I met
                                               class,  which  led  me  to  meet  Paul  Paul Bragg. He said that we have a
          Dr. John D:   I    had    learning  Bragg, which in one night, one hour,  body, mind, and soul. The body must
          challenges  when  I  was  young.  I  one man with one message, inspired  be  directed  by  the  mind,  the  mind

          was told by my first grade teacher  me to do what I’m doing today.        must be guided by the soul, and the
          I  would  never  be  able  to  read  or                                  soul being the state of unconditional

          write, or amount to anything.        He inspired me to think that I could  love, is the real authenti c self.
                                               overcome my learning problems and
          I had speech problems. I had to go to  someday I could become intelligent,  He said that what we think about,
          a speech pathologist as a child. I had  learn  how  to  speak  properly,  and  what we visualize, what we affi  rm,

          learning  difficulties  and  dyslexia.  I  learn  how  to  read,  and  maybe  what  we  feel  about,  and  what
          made  it  through  school  by  asking  actually  teach.  I  wanted  to  be  a  we  take  acti ons  on  from  within,
          the  smartest  kids  questions  to  get  teacher and I wanted to be smart.   becomes  the  things  that  become

          through. And that worked until my                                        without.  That  the  inner  most

          parents went  from  Houston, Texas  I  had  a  dream  to  overcome  those  dominant  thought  becomes  our
          to Richmond, Texas.                  learning  problems  and  become  outermost tangible reality. That was
                                               educated  and  teach,  which  was  a  the  ti me  when  I  realized  that  our
          And when they moved to Richmond,  slow,  steady,  gradual  process.  But  thoughts become things. And that’s
          I was living in a lower socioeconomic  for  the  last  47  years,  I’ve  never  when I started to realize that my life
          area and I didn’t have anybody to ask  stopped, and now I get to teach all  changed.

          questions to. I ended up failing and  over the world.
          dropping out of school, so I lived as                                    The  trajectory  of  my  life  changed
          a street kid from 13 to about 18.    Brian:  When  did  you  have  the  the  moment  I  realized  that  I  had

                                               realization that thoughts actually do  the  power  of  my  percepti ons,  my
          That led me to California from Texas,  become things?                    decisions, and my actions. And with

          and  eventually  Hawaii,  because  I                                     those  three  things,  I  could  change

          was decent at surfing. When I was                                         my reality.
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