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Healthy Home, Healthy
Community: Can A Product
Brand Change Your Life?
by Dawn Oliphant
I was a young mom—tired, overworked and doing my best to
give my kids the best life I knew possible. But my kids were
sick all the time. I was missing work to take care of them and I
was becoming more stressed.
The anxiety of it all continued to that we were missing. Once I made 770-0232 or email me at info@
build. Imagine your child lying on the this simple switch, I was blessed with Also, my website
couch with a blank stare while their a beauti fully energeti c and healthy is
friends are outside playing. Or worse kid that no longer needed breathing
yet, you see them on a breathing treatments, and I was no longer Dawn holds a Master of Business
treatment looking up to you with stressed about missing multi ple days Administrati on in Management and a
puffy, swollen eyes, knowing they are of work. Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies
struggling. I was HEART BROKEN. Degrees.
Going forward, I have been committed
I was doing my best to keep a clean to helping families discover the Dawn completed a successful 17-year
house. My floors were “clean”, my potenti ally hidden hazards within career with the City of Tempe with
children had “clean” clothes, and my their home. I love educati ng and positi ons held in the Tempe Police
house smelled “clean”, or so I thought. off ering simple strategies to switch Department, Sales Tax and Licensing,
Never in a million years would I have brands, and ulti mately saving ti me Tempe Municipal Court, and as a
expected someone to tell me that the and money on everything like Senior Learning and Organizati onal
cleaning products I used my entire life shampoo and conditi oner, dish Development Associate for the Tempe
were making my kids sick. How could soap, laundry products, all-purpose Learning Center – which was Tempe’s
this be? I felt like the worst parent in cleaners, window cleaners, beauty, corporate university for municipal
the world. I thought I was providing a and nutriti on products. professionals.
safe environment, but little did I know
I was creating a toxic and harmful one I pride myself on providing my Outside of work, Dawn’s passion is to
for them. customers with the life-long tool that serve others by volunteering, holding
will help them stay safe while keeping many leadership roles on several
I quickly discovered that there were their families safe for generati ons to non-profi t boards and organizati ons.
certain things I was doing in my come. For the past 10 years, I have Dawn has not only assisted in raising
home that I thought were “clean”, but had the opportunity to build a team thousands of dollars for their mission,
learned the cleaning products I was of like-minded individuals who share but has helped create and implement
using were actually contributing to my my passion for helping other families. two groups start up their own non-
son’s health problems and weakening Everyday I’m excited to watch them profi t organizati ons.
the entire family’s immune systems. thrive and achieve their finanacial
So, I took action! I made a few simple and health goals. As a life-long advocate of a healthy
changes that made all the difference environment, Dawn has established an
in the world. I found an entire If you know of anyone that is ready eco-friendly business where her ability
company that was Earth friendly, to switch brands, save money, to educate others has helped individuals
non-toxic, saved me money, and make money while helping others, and families lead healthier lives. Dawn’s
actually worked to clean my house or want to live in a healthier home willingness to help others is a key factor
and provide nutrients to our bodies environment, I can be found at 602- in separating her from the competition.