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Crisis Recovery In Healthcare

                                                                                  by Samantha Scholz

                                                           As  a  Registered  Respiratory  Therapist  and  an  Integrative

                                                           Nutrition Health Coach, I help nurses, physicians, respiratory

                                                           therapists,  and  first  responders  overcome  stress  from  job-
                                                           related burnout. I provide insight on techniques to help them
                                                           alleviate their symptoms and work with them to restore their
                                                           energy and resilience.

          I  worked  in  a  trauma  center  for  What is Burnout?                   -  Rest & Relaxation
          10  years,  and  while  wearing  many                                     o  Focusing  on  sleep,  napping,
          hats  within  the  hospital,  I  ended  Burnout  is  a  state  of  emoti onal,  coaching,   physical   activity,

          up  completely  burned  out.  Going  physical,  and  mental  exhausti on  alternati ve  healing  modaliti es  and
          to  work  earlier  and  leaving  later  caused by excessive and prolonged  diet  &  nutriti on  are  essenti al.  The

          became a normal routine. Hospitals  stress.  Recovery  is  a  process  key is “slowing down.”
          are  most  often  an  adrenaline  which will  diff er  depending  on  the

          charged environment. After leaving  individual and their background.      -  Grief Processing
          the  hospital,  it  took  me  about  a                                    o    Grief  in  healthcare  can  come
          year  to  completely  recover  from  In order to assist front line workers,   from  many  aspects  of  the  work
          burnout.  During  this  time,  I  came  I  have  created  a  program  called   being  performed,  from  the  loss  of

          to the realization that I could help  “Crisis  Recovery  in  Healthcare”   patients  to  having  no  control  over

          frontline  coworkers,  and  have  for  healthcare  workers  and  fi rst    the situation.
          made  it  my  mission  to  give  them  responders   from   lower   level   - Diet and Nutritional Coaching

          opportunities  to  find  techniques  management to front line workers.     o  When under high stress the body

          while providing assistance in setting  The  program  touches  on  key     is  depleted  of  key  nutrients  and

          goals for recovery.                  points that aid in the recovery and   hormones  that  aid  in  relaxation.

                                               prevention  of  burnout.  In  extreme   Therefore, we find balance through

          In  crisis  situations  like  COVID-19,  instances, Acute Stress Disorder or   improved diet and nutrition.

          health  care  professionals  cannot  PTSD may have developed. With the
          avoid  stress  while  caring  for  the  goal of recovery set, I work closely  - Healing
          ill. The workload in a short-staffed  with  doctors  and  psychiatrists  to  o  Full recovery takes ti me, pati ence,

          scenario only compounds the stress.  formulate a plan that combats and  and dedicati on.
          These uncertain times have created  stabilizes  these  disorders.  In  less

          conditions conducive to adrenaline  extreme cases, anxiety and anxiety    There  are  no  perfect  answers  but

          charged  days,  with  no  regularly  att acks can be related to these work   I  would  like  to  offer  everyone  the
          scheduled  breaks.  Individuals  are  scenarios  for which  coaching  is  an   opportunity  to  consult  with  me
          concerned  with  their  lives  inside  excellent alternati ve opti on.    regarding  their  road  to  burnout  in
          and outside the work environment.                                         order  to  provide  insight  into  ways

          While the potential is real for them  What  Does  Crisis  Recovery  in    to  alleviate  stress.  It’s  time  to  do
          to contract the virus and take it home  Healthcare Look Like?             something for yourself, and I would

          to their families, they still show up                                     like to start your journey to recovery
          for work. Working in these extreme  -  Recovery                           with you.

          conditions can lead to dehydration,  o   Immediate    identification   of

          depression,  caffeine  consumption,  areas for recovery, what is causing   Samantha Scholz – RRT

          lack of sleep, and poor food choices.  the  highest  level  of  stress  at  the   Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

          The stage is set for burnout.        moment?                    
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