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things that make it the possibility to  who have died from the virus, have   thinking positi ve things. Have your
          be okay so that you can draw them  died  because  they  believed  they  daily affi  rmati on. Start with, “I repel
          to you and you can be drawn to it.  were going to and not because of  all negati veness of my own end of
          And others react to you according  the  virus  itself.  I  know  there  are  others.”  And  watch  how  people
          to the energy you put out because  people who have died that didn’t  change the way they behave when

          of what you’re thinking.             test  positive  and  you  won’t  hear  they’re  in  your  presence.  Your
                                               it in the media. But they believed  thoughts  create  the  energy  that
          Brian:    In  your  experience,  how   they were going to die from it, and  determines how people treat you,
          can we program our brain for the     so they did.                         because  it  actually  talks  to  their
          things that we really want?                                               energy.

          Dr. Karen:     Well, it’s not enough   And  then  there  were  those

          to say, “I’m going to have,” and it’s   who  said,  “I  haven’t  had  time  to  Brian:  Awesome.  Thank  you  for
          not  enough  to  halfway  believe.   reconnect  with  my  family  or  re-  being here, Dr. Karen.
          You’ve got to really sit down and    evaluate  the  way  I  work  for  my

          be absorbed in it.                   customers.  I  haven’t  had  time  to  Dr.   Perkins   is   an   engaging
                                               take a moment to breathe.”           international speaker, internal reset

          My friend and I were talking about                                        expert, a bestselling author, a highly
          this  the  other  day  and  when  she   They’re  looking  at  this  as  the   sought  after  business  leader  and

          was a little girl, she was sitting on   best of times. And for me, it’s the   consultant in both private and public

          a  swing  set.  She  was  having  her   best of times. Have I had to redo   sectors.
          make-believe  playtime,  and  she    everything  I’m  doing? Absolutely.

          believed  she  had  a  home  on  the   Have I lost money because of it?
          beach.                               Absolutely. And some people have     For  over  20  years,  she’s  counseled

                                               lost family and loved ones because   and taught organizations, groups and
          As  she  sat  there,  she  could  feel   of  it.  But,  you  can  have  a  heavy  individuals, giving them the keys to

          the  moisture  of  the  salt  air  and   heart and choose to be happy.    personal and organizational growth

          the  light  breeze  on  her  skin.  She   Those  that  choose  to  be  happy,   and  how  to  recognize  and  fulfill
          could  literally  hear  the  waves.   continue to find the miracles and    their  own  immeasurable  potential.

          She  became  immersed  in  all  the   things to be happy for. They’re the   Dr. Perkins spent over two decades
          things  that  happened.  And  all  of   ones who are still getting business   as a business  leader,  consultant,

          her  life,  she  wanted  a  house  on   somehow and finding ways to help   keynote speaker, and has mentored

          the beach. And now, she had four     others, and they’re developing this   and  taught  over  500,000  people
          opportunities  in  six  months  and   karma that will come back to them  worldwide to positi vely improve.

          she’s got a house in Hawaii on the   100-fold.
          beach. It just happened, it just fell
          into her lap, but she did it.        Brian:  Do  you  have  any  final     By  following  her  advice  and

                                               thoughts you’d like to share before   guidelines, thousands have improved
          Brian:   She created that.           we close it out?                     work performance, their company’s

                                                                                    bottom line and their own wellbeing.
          Dr. Karen:     Yes,  but  it’s  not

          enough to say, “I believe it.” You’ve   Dr. Karen:   Spend your time
          got  to  feel  it  with  your  whole
          being.  Thoughts  are  energy,  and

          that  energy  goes  out,  and  it  fills
          that void that you need filled.

          Brian:  How do you view the idea
          of  thoughts  becoming  things
          within the backdrop of what we’re
          going through right now?

          Dr. Karen:     I know without any
          doubt  that  some  of  the  people

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