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5 Tips for Using Your
Time Wisely
by Tom Donnell
in charge? You must have your “I’ve been going, going, going.” But
written set of goals with you at the real questi on is, “Doing what?”
all times. Prioritize your goals Some people are going, going,
and decide which are important. going, but they’re doing fi gure
Constantly review your goals, and eights. They’re not making much
then make them a part of a good progress. Don’t mistake movement
written game plan. for achievement. Evaluate the
hours in your days, and see if
Time is of value to all of us, use it With your game plan in hand, there’s a lot of wasted ti me that
wisely! try to separate the majors from you could manage bett er.
the minors, the really important
1. Run the day or it will run you. things from the things that you 3. Concentrate on where you are.
just have to do—and prioritize. A
Part of the key to time management litt le thought will save you a lot of You’ve got to zero in on the job
is just staying in charge. Here’s ti me. Is this a major day or a minor at hand. Don’t start your business
what usually happens: We start day? Adjust your ti me accordingly. day unti l you get to the business.
something and we’re in control, Is this a major conversati on or I used to start my business day in
but as the day starts to unfold, a minor conversati on? A lot of the shower. I’m trying to compose
we start losing it. It’s like running people don’t do well in this area, a lett er in the shower. I’m not
a business. If you don’t stay on and here’s why: awake yet, and I’m trying to
top of things, the business will compose a letter. I found out that
run you before long. You have to They major in minor things. They it doesn’t work that way. Wait to
stop every once in a while and say, spend too much ti me on things get to the offi ce to start your work.
“Wait! Who’s in charge here?” that don’t count and too little time Don’t start your business day at
on things that should count. the breakfast table. It’s not good
“Some will master and some will for the family, and it’s not very
serve.” 2. Don’t mistake movement for producti ve.
Here’s a good phrase to remember: So here’s what you’ve got to do.
“Some will master and some will You probably know some people On the way to work, concentrate
serve.” That’s the nature of life, around you who are just plain busy on your driving. In the shower,
and you have to make sure you being busy. You’ve got to be busy concentrate on the shower. At the
become the master. You have to being producti ve. Consider this: breakfast table, concentrate on
run the day. You have to stay in A man comes home at night and the family. Wherever you are, be
charge. What is the key to staying fl ops down on the couch. He says, there. Don’t be somewhere else.