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These are not core issues, these are and processes that trigger using my circle, this recovery program gives
temporary triggers which create tools, it is then eliminated and that people opportunity to have their
the weight on our shoulders. Giving level of the painful and heartache life back, connect to themselves,
away a piece of yourself, your light, of the wound is gone. This is to remember, to experience silence
or your power spirals to many other accomplished by understanding from the mind, and feel freedom for
issues which adds further weight to that challenges are all about perhaps the fi rst ti me ever.
carry. ourselves. We can never be angry,
sad, disappointed, or worried about READY SET GO!
ENERGY CREATED others. It is all about what unwanted First hour session is FREE. Time for
changes that entails for us and how Green Tea!
What energy are you attracting? that shapes our lives.
Every word you say has an energy If you are thirsty to evolve and shift
attached, as well as every thought SOULFUL SELF to be the best version of yourself,
and action. Every verbal projection, come and join me on this incredible
thought, or action either expands or Are you fully connected to yourself? journey to your SOULFUL SELF.
deflates that energy. Energy cannot As nature is perfect, so are we.
be created or destroyed. It can only We were born into our SOULFUL • First 1 hour Introductory session….
change form. With that said, what SELF; perfect, deserving, enough, FREE
are you attracting every second worthy, and loving. Along the - 30 min of identi fying emoti onal
of the day in your relationships, way, life happened and we started weight
situations, work and even your disconnecti ng from ourselves and - 20 min presentati on how you
health? connecting to the outside world can navigate and manage
where we allowed everyone and yourself 100%
EGO VS SOULFUL SELF everything to be more important
than our center of being. The • SESSIONS / Under $100. Ingrid
What choices are you making? SOULFUL SELF has no emotional believes that emoti onal spiritual
Anything that is not love, is ego— weight to bear, directly or indirectly. self-care is not a choice, it is a
every thought you think, every This state of mind has no pain, necessity and morally must be
word you say, every action you no heartache, dissati sfacti on, or aff ordable.
take, with hundreds of thousands, judgement. One is enriched with
if not millions of transmissions or unconditi onal love, forgiveness, • Emoti onal BOOTCAMP FREE
deposits each day. Ask yourself, pati ence, kindness, empathy, CALL, TEXT OR EMAIL NOW!
if placed in a bucket, which one courage, to menti on only a few. It
would be heavier, love or ego? That has an abundance of unconditi onal URBAN WELLNESS CENTER
weight then defines you. After all, love to give to all equally without 2024 N. 7th Street Phoenix AZ.
what you focus on or put value to enabling. When we shift with
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is going to be your current weight each wound sealed, we become 818 800-8946
and reality, which ultimately creates balanced, connected to ourselves,
your pathway. After all, you attract and sti ll. Loneliness is impossible in 5 STAR Google Review
what you are. this realm and the purpose of the
SOULFUL SELF is to serve. Only
TRIGGERS = WOUNDS then do we live our true purpose—
at peace and balance, without
What triggers you? judgement, regardless the outside
It may be comical; however, I circumstances.
celebrate my triggers. For me, I The book, THE EMOTIONAL
am being shown that it is time to DICTIONARY to the SOULFUL SELF,
grow, shift, and evolve. To hold FREE EMOTIONAL BOOTCAMP coming summer 2020! Ingrid Katal
on to something that is painful, is a Spiritual Life Recovery Coach &
heartaching, or dissatisfying is Do you have the formula? Intuiti ve. Her specialty is shift ing you
unhealthy and unproductive for my Simply True has a formula. It took 20 to your SOULFUL SELF through the
future. Therefore, it is my priority years to create a formula where one Emoti onal BOOTCAMP Recovery
to appreciate the ego to bring on is able to recognize, identi fy, dissect, Program. 1 Topic, 22 questi ons, 3
that level of awareness and start my and categorize the core issue of any hours and your level of pain and
healing. Once I recognize, identify, trigger. Summed up with a closure heartache is GONE! Guaranteed.