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How To Program
Your Brain To Get
What You Want
by Brian K Wright
I had the honor of interviewing Dr. Joe Vitale recently, and we talked about many things including the new
movie How Thoughts Become Things, how to program our brains to get the things we want, and much more.
Brian: Welcome, Joe! Did you And for the fi rst ti me, this movie If you really want to know how
envision earlier in your life that interviews experts (I happen to be thoughts create things and how
you would be where you are right lucky enough to be one of them) to direct your mind, then you need
now? who show the average person this new movie. I’d say watch both
how their thoughts can and of them back to back actually. But
Dr. Joe: I envisioned being an already do create reality. But with the new one’s more practi cal.
author. I wanted to write books that an understanding, you can actually
made a difference, and I visualized direct it to create a reality you Brian: How exactly do thoughts
that when I was a teenager. I’m might prefer. become things?
now 66-years-old and the level
of success I’ve managed to have Brian: How is this movie diff erent Dr. Joe: First of all, inside our
went way beyond anything I ever from The Secret? You’ve been in minds, when we have a thought,
imagined. I’m a musician with 15 both of them. there’s the beginning of a spark.
albums, I’m an author with 80 For a lot of people, we just let the
books. I’ve been over 20 movies Dr. Joe: This movie is more spark come and go and nothing
now. I’ve been to countries I practi cal. This movie reaches really happens. But if we pay
didn’t even know existed to do my people right where they’re at and att enti on to that spark, we’re now
speaking. I didn’t visualize all of teaches them how to use their adding some energy to it. And that
that. I just visualized I wanted to mind in a more directed benefi cial energy can actually expand into
be a published writer. manifestation orientation in an acti on.
entertaining and educational way,
Brian: And now, you’re in a brand The Secret is inspiring and I will An idea, then, becomes something
new movie, How Thoughts Become always be proud that I’m in it. that excites us, that excitement
Things. Tell us about that. leads us to consciously choose to
But it is an introduction to an idea. take acti on. And on our physical
Dr. Joe: It really dissects, explains, It is not the complete course on side, we’re going to do something
and breaks down what’s going on how to create your own reality. because we’re taking acti on on an
in our mind. We don’t just have In fact, it’s been criti qued for not idea.
thoughts, those thoughts actually saying enough about what you
create reality and the things that have to do to create the reality you
are around us. like.