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I’ve  had  so  much  adversity  in  my  things  that  they  teach  you  to  do  Kimberly:  It’s  virtual,  so  it  doesn’t

          life. I have suffered at the hands of  before the airplane takes off ? They  matt er  where  you  are. You  can  be

          domestic abuse. I have suffered at  tell you that when the oxygen mask  anywhere in the world.
          the  hands  of  being  a  single  mom.  comes down, if you’re in the state of
          I  have  been  in  a  male-dominated  emergency in the airplane, that you  Brian:  Any fi nal thoughts?
          industry—my  “why”  is  that  I  want  put  the  oxygen  mask  on  yourself
          others  to  know  that  you  have  to  fi rst before you can help somebody  Kimberly:  The greatest gift  we can
          want  it  bad  enough.  Resiliency,  else.                                give  ourselves  and  others  is  that
          buoyancy, and perseverance will get                                       when  we  step  into  our  leadership,
          you anywhere you want to go.         I think as women, we need to start  we  can  get  for  further  along  by

                                               taking that action—putting the mask  reaching out and bringing others up

          Brian:  What does optimum success  on  ourselves  fi rst  before  we  take  with us.
          look like for you?                   care of others.
                                                                                    Brian:  Awesome.  Thank  you  so

          Kimberly:  That’s  a  good  question.  Brian:  Absolutely. Tell us a litt le bit  much for being here.

          It’s an ever-revolving definition. I’m  about your podcast.

          currently defining optimum success                                         Kimberly Miner is a transformational

          as bringing out the women’s summit  Kimberly:  The  Kimberly  Miner  speaker and consultant, and creator of
          that  I’m  doing,  and  working  with  Podcast - Your Best You is my daily   the Envision You: The Transformation

          other  women  by  helping  them  dream that goes on every week. It’s      Starts Here women’s summit. Having

          transform  and  define  themselves.  all about empowering others. I talk   had  a  successful  career  in  corporate
          Success is being able to help others  to my guests about how to empower   sales, Kim launched her own company
          find  themselves  and  transform  others to transforming themselves.

          themselves.                                                               Wholistic Living, Health and Wellness

                                               I look at so many industries that are   where she empowers others in putting
          Brian:  Let’s  talk  about  this  event.  making billions of dollars telling us   the pieces together in their lives.
          It’s coming up in June. Tell us more  what we need to do for ourselves,
          about this.                          and  not  thinking  about  how  many  Her  podcast,  The  Kimberly  Miner
                                               people  are  wasting  money,  or  are  Podcast  Your  Best  You,  reaches

          Kimberly:  It’s  called  Envision  You:  not  having  any  types  of  success—  more  than  9,000  listeners  a  week.

          The  Transformation  Starts  Here  and  then  they  go  on  to  the  next  Kim has been featured in the media,
          —  this  women’s  summit  is  about  thing.                               including cover story of  iNetrepreneur

          finding your purpose and using your                                        Magazine, article in the iNetrepreneur

          unique characteristics as a woman,  My  hope  is  that  no  matt er  what   Magazine,  Voyage  Phoenix,  Award
          meaning that what you do matters.    we’re  dealing  with,  either  in  our   Nomination  For  Top  100  Leaders  in

                                               personal life or in our careers, that

          It doesn’t matter whether you’re in  through our discussion it starts that   Education  for  Women  in  Business,
          business or not, women need to step  whole process of, “What do I need    Winning  Leadership:  Seven  Secrets
          into leadership and into our power  to do for myself?”                    for  Employee  Champions  and  Sale
          and know that we’re okay as we are.                                       Superstars,  Guest  Speaker  at  Own
          At the end of the day, we can start a  Brian:  Fantasti c.  Where  can  we  Your  Own  Body  Summit,  Host

          transformation even with a thought.  fi nd this?                           Panelist iNetwork Expo, Messages of
          And  that  thought  process,  even  if                                    Inspiration,  Hope  &  Support  Virtual

          it’s just a nugget, is how it starts.   Kimberly:  We  can  be  found  on  Event,  Co-host  on  Togi-Net  Radio
                                               Facebook, YouTube,  iTunes,  Spotify   Show  “Your  Future  is  Now”,  C-Suite

          Brian:  Fantastic.  Do  you  find  that  and, we’re everywhere!  Network  Thought  Council  Forum,

          women  have  a  hard  time  putting                                       Training Director for Speakers Pathway

          themselves first?                     Brian:  And do you have a website    Coalition  Certification,    Educational

                                               where  we  can  learn  more  about
          Kimberly:  They  absolutely  do.  who you are and what you’re doing?      and  Speakers  Board  of  NT  Together,
          Women  are  told  that  they’re                                           Keynote  Speaker  at  the  Purpose  &
          supposed  to,  by  nature,  take  care  Kimberly:    It’s www.holisti,   Passion  Tour  2020,  a  former  ballet
          of others first before they take care  and  to  register  for  this  event,  go  to  dancer, and a lifelong athlete.

          of themselves. And I think we’re at   The
          a place where it’s so important for  event is June 13th, 2020 from 9 to 5  Kim is passionate about transforming
          women to realize that they need to  PM.                                   the lives of others through the power

          take care of themselves first.                                             of resilience, buoyancy, and reflection.

                                               Brian:  Fantastic. And is that here in
          If  you  think  about  it,  when  you’re  the local area or is it virtual?
          on  an  airplane,  what  are  the  first

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