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The Power Of
Asking For
What You Want
by Brian K Wright
I had the honor of interviewing Mark Victor Hansen, bestselling author and co-creator of the Chicken Soup
For The Soul series. We talked about a lot of interesting topics, including discovering your why, thinking bigger,
preselling a massive number of books before it gets released, his new book, Ask! The Bridge from Your Dreams
to Your Destiny, and so much more.
Brian: Did you envision early in something done prett y quickly Mark: We have a story by a guy
life that you would be where you because they trust you. named Jim Stovall. Now, Charlie
are right now? “Tremendous” Jones called me up
Brian: Mark, you and your wife and said, “You’ve got to write the
Mark: I’m an entrepreneur, and I wrote a new book, Ask! The Bridge foreword to this book.”
define that as somebody who takes from Your Dreams to Your Desti ny.
low value and makes it high value Why did you decide to write this? So, I read this book called The
to the marketplace, then hopefully Ultimate Gift. It wowed me. It turns
creates a fortune. I visualized it, Mark: This is my 308th book. out Jim Stovall at 19-years-old
and I knew it. As Crystal and I travel around was ready to go into professional
the world, we meet all kinds football. They picked him for the
I could have never predicted that I’d of people who are wonderful, NFL. He was big, he was strong,
be the world’s best-selling author, likable, talented, and skilled— but he was fast, but he went to his
own a bunch of companies, and we asked ourselves, “What is it medical and they said, “You will be
could be in such service to so many between those who become super totally blind for the rest of your life
people in so many ways because I achievers and those who don’t?” in six months.” It was hard.
also won a lot of awards—some of And what we discovered is the
which I deserve, I think. ability to ask. He was now living in a 9 by 12
room with a telephone, a radio,
But I get the most unusual And you say, “Wait a second. and a television, and he couldn’t
telephone calls and people say, The Bible says ask and you shall see. He used to love watching
“Can you do this or that?” I have receive.” True, but no one ever acti on movies where somebody
vast, deep, profound relationship taught you how to ask. Can I give threw a right hook or squealed out.
capital. I know a lot of people in you one of the great stories? And he couldn’t see it. His parents
a lot of places just like you do. said, “Look Jimmy, you’ve got to go
And there are very few of us that Brian: Of course! to a blind meeting because you’re
have that depth of place that you going to wreck yourself staying
can make a telephone call and get here, eating your heart out.”