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Messages of Inspiration, Hope & Support

                                              by Don McGrath and Jim Grant

          As  the  news  of  COVID-19  spread,  this  pandemic  created  ‘stay-at-home’  orders,  and  suddenly  people
          felt trapped and scared. The only place they could feel safe and not fall victim to this virus was to isolate

          themselves inside the safety of their homes. This caused a lot of people to shift into a panic mode of worry

          with questions like:

          • What can I do to stay in business  During  this  call,  ideas,  plans,  and  Don  McGrath,  Ph.D.  is  an  award-
             and pay my bills?                 decisions  were  eagerly  made  to  winning author and speaker, having
          • How long will the pandemic last?  make  “Messages  of  Inspirati on,  writt en 50 Athletes Over 50, Verti cal

          • Will I be a victim of COVID-19?    Hope  &  Support”  a  reality.  We   Mind: Psychological Approaches for
                                               decided  the  webinar  would  run    Optimal  Rock  Climbing,  and  The

          With  fear  was  running  rampant,  daily  Monday  through  Friday,       Climb:  A  Leadership  Fable  About
          people were searching for a light of  it  would  be  one-hour  long,  and   Navigating  Challenging  Change.  As

          good news, instead, the news was  we  would  have  3  speakers  per

          filled  with  negative  information  webinar, each getti  ng 18 minutes    Co-Founder  of  Speakers  Pathway

          this virus was spreading, in spite of  to deliver their message. Jim Grant   Coalition, he now shows others how

          people staying home. ‘WHEN’ will  would  host  the  webinar  starti ng    to grow their business by writing their

          this nightmare finally be over?       just  5  days  later,  beginning  on   book,  speaking,  and  establishing
                                               Monday,  March  23,  2020  at  12    themselves as an undisputed expert.
          In the midst of this pandemic, on  Noon  EDT.  Don  McGrath  would  You  can  contact  Don  via  email  at
          Wednesday,  March  18,  2020  the  host  it  on  Friday  since  our  radio
          founders  of  Speakers  Pathway  show, “Your Future Is Now” is LIVE

          Coalition  called  a  meeting  with  on TogiNet Radio at the same ti me.  Jim  Grant  founded  and  owned  a

          their Executive Training Directors  Within  24  hours,  we  had  60       manufacturing business that earned
          to  discuss  the  isolated  world  speakers  eager  to  deliver  their    a  ‘preferred  vendor’  status  with
          everyone was now experiencing.       messages of inspiration, hope, and   many  Fortune  500  Companies.

                                               support.                             After  31 years,  (3 Active  Duty  and

          We  sought  to  answer  one

          question.  What  can  we  do  at  At  Speakers  Pathway  Coaliti on,      28  Reserves),  he  is  a  retired  US

          Speakers  Pathway  Coalition,  in  a  we  are  grateful  to  have  the    Army Master Sergeant and Vietnam

          team effort, to contribute and help  membership       business    model    Veteran.  During  his  military  career,

          people from all walks of life to cope  that  we  created;  however,  this   Jim  became  a  US  Army  Certified
          and deal with this forced change?  webinar series outshines all of our    Instructor,  Regional  Area  Manager
          Bill Heinrich, one of the Executive  accomplishments.  WHY?  When  (RAM)  and  Course  Manager.  He  is

          Training  Directors  suggested  that  you make a decision to freely help  the co-founder of Speakers Pathway

          since  our  organization  already  others in their ‘hour of need’ and  Coaliti on and in additi on to wearing
          exists  in  the  virtual  world,  why  your enti re focus is on sharing love  many hats, he is the host of a “LIVE”
          don’t we put on a series of webinars  &  energy,  you  are  positi oned  to   weekly  radio  show  “Your  Future  Is

          and share messages of inspiration,  receive love & blessings in return.   Now” that is available on podcasts

          hope  &  support?  His  suggestion  We  see  business  people  trying     and  iTunes.  The  show  receives
          was immediately embraced by all.  to  fi gure  out  how  to  get  an  ROI,   thousands  of  downloads  a  day.
          We all knew this was not only the  (Return  On  Investment),  but  our
          right  thing  to  do,  but  the  ONLY  focus  is  on  how  we  can  get  an   Jim  has  over  25  years  of  speaking
          thing we should do.                  ROE, (Return On Energy).             experience.
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