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● The employer’s share of federal long-term needs. For example, in MBA~ Intl Bus & Fin Western Intl,
payroll taxes some situations, it may be more AZ
beneficial to continue workforce BS ~ Accounting WPCarey ASU,
● Qualified sick leave and qualified deducti ons in the short-term, Tempe
parental leave wages for which and pay back any unforgiven loan
credit is allowed under the Families amount over ti me at a low interest
First Coronavirus Response Act rate. Other businesses may take
(FFCRA) steps to increase payroll costs
during the covered period by
Additional non-payroll costs rehiring employees and providing
which are eligible for loan incenti ve bonuses.
Alysia is currently accepting one
●Interest payments on a mortgage on one coaching calls to help
incurred in the ordinary course clients create a strategic PPP
of business on real or personal spend plan and make sure they
property and that was in existence are on the right path to repay or
on Feb. 15, 2020 be forgiven for the loan amount.
●Rent payments under leasing Book your call today! Contact
agreements in existence on Feb. Alysia at:
15, 2020
●Utility payments for electricity, About Alysia R Dahir
gas, water, transportation, Alysia R. Dahir is the owner and
telephone or internet for which managing partner at Dahir Tax &
service was in existence on Feb.
15, 2020 Accounting Firm. Before opening
the practice she held positions
Are there limitations on loan with the Federal Government in
forgiveness? The Department of Treasury (IRS)
and The Department of Defense
Yes, loan forgiveness is limited as (Academic and Military Projects
● Not more than 25 percent of the Army/Navy) along with global
loan forgiveness amount can be corporations in her early work as
attributable to non-payroll costs an Accountant and Analyst. Her
(i.e., mortgage interest, rent and combined 17 years of government
utilities) service, corporate accounting,
● Proceeds from any advance and individual business consulting
up to $10,000 on an Economic define her as a leader. She has
Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL)
will be deducted from the loan extensive experience with income
forgiveness amount tax preparation for individuals,
corporations, partnerships, non-
Additionally, the loan forgiveness profi ts, estates and trusts, foreign
amount will be reduced if the expats, start-ups and community
business has reduced its number property.
of full-time equivalent (FTE)
employees or has reduced
the salary or wages of certain
employees. Education:
Pursuant CPA ~ Engagement at
Alysia stresses to her clients to USC, LA
consider strategies for maximizing Executive ~ Sustainable Business/
loan forgiveness, while also System Sciences and Anthropologist,
balancing their short-term and
Pinchot, Seattle