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Helping Valley Small Business Owners Weather
This Storm and Prepare for the Next One
How Lendio of East Valley Phoenix is
helping small business
By Aaron Gilletti,
Regional Lending Solutions and East Valley Lendio
When people hear the term “small on traditi onal banks and the loans The hope is that this crisis will
business”, they conjure images they have in-house. But those are enable more small business owners
of a neighborhood cafe or coffee limited, take ti me to access, and to prepare for the future. Too many
shop. But they’re much more are designed to work for larger don’t have savings for a rainy day or
than that — they’re small medical companies. aren’t taking care of their accounting
practices, independent retailers practices, which puts them at a
of things like bikes or used books, Through Lendio, small business disadvantage when seeking a loan.
marketing agencies, consultants owners can access the right This is especially problemati c for
and so much more. They add flavor fi nancing at the right time. those seeking fi nancing, want to
to our lives and neighborhoods and Lendio’s marketplace technology exit a business for reti rement, or to
in economies like Arizona’s, they’re connects applicants with dozens take on another challenge.
essential to success. of loan options through one simple
application. Whether it’s a line of Through my business consultancy, I
But most small businesses operate credit, SBA loan, or start-up funding, also aid small business owners who
on a razor-thin margin. When faced Lendio will help with fi nancing are looking to sell their company. I
with a downturn in business, they’ll customized to a business’s needs. help them maximize the business’s
seek capital wherever they can find value by repairing credit, developing
it: loans from family, business, or I’ve been working with small strong accounti ng practi ces, and
personal credit cards, or their brick businesses for years as a business connecti ng with the right people.
and mortar bank. broker, helping people buy and
sell businesses, and my Lendio Whether you’re interested in selling
Soon after I opened my Lendio franchise is celebrati ng its fi rst or not, it’s important for every
franchise in the East Valley, I met anniversary this year. I understand small business owner to know
a dentist who was in dire need what entrepreneurs need to survive your numbers: monthly revenue
of financial help. He wasn’t going and thrive, and I love to help them patt erns, fi xed and variable costs,
bankrupt, but his start-up costs get there. and whether you have a rainy-
were overwhelming him. We were day fund. This will help in getting
able to take that debt, most of This year has defi nitely been a through lean ti mes, whether you
which was on a personal credit card, challenge for small businesses. see it coming or not.
and consolidate it. This saved him Lendio has processed thousands
money and created one monthly of Paycheck Protecti on Program To learn more, reach Aaron at lendio.
payment, at a lower rate, that fit applicati ons and is putti ng its com/local/phoenixeastvalley.
within his cash flow cycle. network of more than 75 lenders to
work for thousands more through
Too many small business owners other lending opti ons.
aren’t aware of their options when
it comes to financing. Many rely