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Improve Your Profits
With Networking
by Robert W. Jones
Networking has become a dirty word. Even networking groups don’t like to be referred to as networking
groups, and some groups that are truly networking groups attempt to hide behind the mantra that they are
anti-networking groups, thus not a networking group. Good networking, on the other hand, can explode your
exposure, connections, and profits!
I have long advocated that it’s a sport whereby you pitch. Great A – what actions are you going
not networking that is bad, it’s networkers understand six things. to take? Are you attending to get
bad networking that is bad. Bad And these things contribute exposure? Are you looking to sell?
networking is like a bad date. greatly to the success or failure of Are you wanting to add contacts
Everything about a bad date is networking. to your database?
forced, or orphaned. Like a scene
from a movie, man asks out date, Networking is not adlib, that is, Lastly, O - it is always the most
date reluctantly arrives, man is networking is as much science important to measure your
disinterested, woman has a phone as it is an art. Like a musician, outcomes, both the quality and
alert survival technique to get networkers perform bett er with quantity.
away. practice and training. In my
seminars I have a simple equation, Networking is not about ambiguity.
See, bad networking is like that, no prioriti es, no planning and A couple of my favorite sayings
two people coming together for no preparati on equals no profi t. are “be a product of the product”,
the wrong thing. Both are looking Know the audience that you are and “dress and act as if you are
for love right away, but there’s going to speak to, including your the owner, not the employee.”
no courtship or relationship familiarity, the size, topic, theme Networking is about creati ng
development. It’s all about what and industry. A simple technique att enti on and att racti on! It is not
can I get from it, not what I can that I use is GAO. about a lack of clarity, wandering
give to it. around, and uncertainty. The three
G -What is the goal of your strongest things a networker can
Networking can be as simple as a networking event? To add do in a room full of people is show
smile, remembering a name, and connecti ons. To create associati ons. passion, speak with intent, and
stretching out a hand to someone To join and create a foundati on exude confi dence. I have seen lots
else. Networking, if played right in the proper group. To seek a of business done with a smile,
is a giving sport. It is not a sport presentati on.
where we can wait and catch, it is