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Meet Billy Batt: The Lead Generation
Specialist Helping Entrepreneurs
Connect With Their Target Audience
While Boosting Their Digital
Do you want to scale your service company online? Or do you want to skyrocket the ROI on your lead
generation and boost your digital marketing? Then Chrome Leads is your #1 solution. Chrome Leads help
clients increase sales, audience engagement, and customer retention through targeted lead generation
strategies. They also equip you with the knowledge on how to connect with your target audience and close
more deals.
According to the 2018 State of Inbound Report, most marketers and entrepreneurs’ priority is to convert
leads to customers. It is, therefore, crucial for marketers to establish a well-oiled lead generation ‘machine’ to
stand the digital era competition in the online space.
Billy Batt At A Glance Why Choose Billy’s Lead Therefore, if you want to align
Generation? with the rest of your marketing
Billy Batt is the founder and owner initiatives, Billy & company will
of Chrome leads. He is also the Do you know what lead generati on help you in planning, managing,
Chief Marketing Officer at the is? Well, lead generati on is the and creati ng the relevant content.
Pro Choice Network - Contractor process or acti on of identi fying and Besides, they will help you develop
Hub and host of the New World culti vati ng potenti al prospecti ve and implement a complete content
Marketing Order Podcast. Billy clients for business products or marketi ng strategy, including blog
has worked in the sales/marketing services. This process aims at posts, guest generated content,
business for more than half a att racti ng leads into a marketi ng email newslett er, and gated
decade. The digital expert uses soft ware system to nurture them content.
various marketing techniques through the buying process. The
with a signature process to goal is usually to help convince Connect With Your Target
increase conversions. Billy works the clients about your off erings Audience
with a strong team that serves and then convert them into paying Do you want to understand your
their clients, attaining 100% of customers. customers’ reactions, needs, and
customer satisfaction. desires? Then you have to connect
Chrome Lead generation is the best to them. Today, many audiences
The 10X ambassador is on a mission and second to none! It provides are in continuous change.
to help people hit $100,000,00 in super quality and phenomenal Therefore, it would help if you stay
closed contracts by 2024. Are you results in numerous industries with connected to your audience to
part of his dream? consistency. Billy’s agency’s goal is remain relevant. But how can you
always to ensure that customers stay connected with your target
get ready to sign the dotted line. audience?