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Strategies For Business

                                                             Growth During The Shutdown

                                                                                           by Paul Valich

          Just  because  the  handshake  One  recommendati on  I  would  together.  If  you  have  questi ons,
          is  gone,  as  is  the  face  to  face  make  is  that  you  focus  on  only  you  can  send  then  to    paul@
          meetup  at  the  local  coffeeshop,  one  of  these,  no  more  than  two.  pmvproducti

          it  does  not  mean  our  businesses  For example, focus on LinkedIn if
          have  stopped  delivering  their  you are in the service game, then  Paul  Valach,  MBA  Chief  Listener
          services  or  goods.  In  fact,  what  add  one  of  the  other  depending  and  Head  Uti l  Dispenser  at  PMV
          it  means  is  that  we  need  to  pay  on  what  you  off er.  Also  get  an   Productions.  He  is  a  Speaker,

          much more attention to the online  account on Google Business Page,       Educator,    Innovator,   Content

          world of our business. That could  this will also point you to Google     Creator  and  more.  He  brings  15
          mean  emails  you  send  out,  your  Analyti cs and a plethora of Google   plus  years  of  instructing,  lecturing,

          website which has landing pages,  Tools  which  will help track  all  of   training  to  the  table.  He  has  five

          price  schedules,  shopping  carts,  what I menti oned above.
          discussion boards where you talk                                          plus  years  of  on  camera  and
          about  your  products/company,  The latt er is also the one that takes    behind  the  camera experience  in
          groups which also talk about areas  ti me but will show you how to make   several television programs. He was
          where  you  offer  solutions,  and  bett er  posts,  as  well  as  answers   Producer  and  Director  for  “Ask  the

          directories of companies like yours  from your clients. You should also  Judge” and “Tale of Ten Sister Citi es”,

          who offer services.                   keep in mind that much of this is  and co-host of “Politi cally Speaking”.
                                               not something where you will get  He also had two radio shows, Jack
          Then  there  is  the  myriad  of  immediate  results.  It  takes  ti me,  Brown  of  Brown  and  Bain  and  VP
          social platforms such as LinkedIn,  weeks, and months in many cases.      Jeff  Raykes  of  Microsoft  were  the

          Instagram,  Facebook  Pages  or                                           featured guests of the last show.

          Twitter.  Each  of  these  has  their  Consistency also plays a big role.
          own  way  of  working  for  you;  Post on a regular basis with same
          however,  the  key  element  to  all  or  similar  tags,  have  a  strong
          of them is the word ‘engagement’.  evergreen  campaign,  and  also  on
          This  is  where  someone  asks  a  only  one  focus  special  campaign

          question, makes a comment (good  at  a  ti me.  This  grabs  your  future
          or  bad),  or  even  just  clicks  Like,  clients’  interest  and  keeps  your
          Celebrate,  Insightful  and  others  current clients coming back to get

          depending on the social platform.  more of what you off er.

          Each  of  these  requires  that  you
          respond. This shows that you are  There are many pieces which is the
          paying attention and in many cases  bott om  line;  however,  if  broken

          are solving the user’s situation.    apart, they can all work very well

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