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The Rocky Boat: ‘Rock the

                                                           Boat, Don’t Tip The Boat

                                                           Over’    by Dr Joseph Blake Jr

                                                           In times of uncertainty, the financial markets respond in kind.

                                                           That means things get a little crazy. This is the time for one to
                                                           stop and take a deep breath, say to yourself ‘everything’s going
                                                           to be alright’.
                                                           The foundation to financial literacy refers to the ability of the

                                                           individual to gain access to economic information and make
                                                           use  of  financial  concepts.  (Blake,  2019,  pg.61)  Ideally,  once

                                                           one acquires access to financial information which empowers

                                                           them with knowledge, the prudent resolve would be to take
                                                           immediate action to achieve optimal results.

          How  do  I  do  that?  Whenever  the  Take Action NOW!                    BIBLIOGRAPHY
          market  is  faced  with  uncertainty,
          volatility  arises  to  the  detriment  of  That means No Opportunity Wasted!  Blake  Jr.,  Dr.  Joseph  M.  (2019).

          the unwitting consumer. According to  The Recession, or should I say, “Sale”,  Joseph,  Building  Financial  Literacy:

          Anspach (2020), “Other bear markets,  hasn’t  arrived  yet.  Change  the  way  Spotlight on Your Business.
          as measured by the S&P 500, include:”  you think. We are in the preparati on
          (p. 1).                              phase and it is imperative that we re-  Anspach,  D.  (2020,  May  20).  U.S.

                                               evaluate  our  thinking.  Look  back  at  Stock  Bear  Markets  and  Their
          2007-2009: down 59% over 27 months   the price of stocks or mutual funds in  Subsequent  Recoveries.  the  balance,
          1973-1974: down 48% over 21 months   2009 versus their cost currently. For  p. 1. htt ps://
          1923-1932: down 86% over 34 months   example, Amazon stock in June 2009  s-stock-bear-markets-and-their-
                                               was $83.66 per share, now it’s $2,286  subsequentrecoveries- 2388520

          However,  immediately  after  the  (,  Inc.,  2020)  In  2009,  Anspach, D. (Composer). (2020, May

          down  times,  markets  recover  at  an  we  were  at  the  bott om  of  a  major  3).  S&P  500  Bear  Markets  [Web
          astounding pace. For instance:       recession, or you could see it as the  Photo]. htt ps://
                                               heights of a premiere sale. What were  u-s-stock-bear-markets-and-their-

          •  After  declining  59%  in  2009,  the  you thinking about?             subsequentrecoveries- 2388520
          S&P  500  roughly  doubled  in  the
          following 48 months                  The  opportunity  for  a  ‘Recession’,,  Inc.  (2020).  htt ps://
                                               or  ‘Sale’  is  upon  us  again,  so  what  fi
          •  More  recently,  the  S&P  500  are you  going  to  do?  I’m  not  saying
          bottomed  out  at  777  in  Oct.  2002,  rock the boat and ‘ti p’ the boat over,  Dr. Joseph Blake Jr served 13 years in

          only  to  recover  a  total  of  34%  over  dumping everything into the river just  the  U.S. Air  Force  decorated  with  two
          the following year.                  to  cash  in  on  a  windfall.  Step  back,  Achievement  and  a  Commendati on
          • In the year after the “trough” of the  take  a  discipled  approach,  weigh  Medals  for  meritorious  service.  He

          bear  markets  since  1929,  the  S&P  several  opti ons,  and  make  a  choice.  reti red  as  a  Financial  Administrati ve
          500  has  gained  an  average  of  47%.  The  politi cal  climate  will  eventually  Specialist  at  the  Dept.  of  Veterans
          (Anspach, 2020)                      pass, just continue being safe in our  Aff airs  with  a  combined  20  years  of

                                               global pandemic and keep your eye on  service to the Federal Government.

          The majority of Americans wait until  building fi nancial literacy. The future
          the ‘coast is clear’ before making any  of your  children,  and your  children’s   Dr.  Blake  holds  a  Bachelor  of  Science

          financial  decisions.  In  doing  so,  they  children depends on it!       in  Business  Management,  a  Master  of

          tend to miss the boat, sink a dream, or                                   Arts  in  Organizational  Management,
          drain their hope of a monetary reality.  It  is  ti me  to  be  ready!  Take  Acti on   and  a  Doctor  of  Management  in

          Focusing on the long-term is essential  NOW!                              Organizational   Leadership   degrees
          when facing a bear market.                                                from  the  University  of  Phoenix.  Dr.
                                                                                    Blake’s career as an Investment Advisor
                                                                                    Representative spans over 26 years.

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