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Choosing To Be Happy
Even In Tough Times
by Brian K. Wright
I had the honor of interviewing Dr. Karen Perkins and we talked about the movie How Thoughts Become
Things, creating your reality, and more.
Brian: Welcome Dr. Karen! Tell neuropepti des. They connect to
us what this movie is about, How your cells, they connect to your And, when my heart is pounding,
Thoughts Become Things? genes. They actually modify your I instantly tell myself, “Oh, I’m
genes and they modify your cells. excited” because my body doesn’t
Dr. Karen: Well, The Secret is know and my brain doesn’t know
the Law Of Attraction and it gives And your body reacts according the diff erence between make-
you the what and the why, but to the negati ve or positi ve that’s believe and reality. And your
not the how. You have to change connected to those cells and subconscious is such a profound
your thoughts, and it really comes the genes. And so medically, protector of you.
down to the way you feel and think scienti fi cally, it’s impossible not
about things, as well as the actions to react that way because they If you say something and you believe
that you take because of that. are connected. But what happens it, your subconscious mind will fi nd
is your thoughts posts through a way to make it happen. If you
You think about people who the amygdala — litt le itt y-bitt y say, “Oh, it’s never going to work,”
are really wealthy because they thing about the size of a pinhead. that subconscious mind is going to
know they should be — they And the amygdala assigns it this go out and fi nd all the things that
can lose everything and almost emoti on and physical reacti on. support that it’ll never work.
immediately rebuild and have it all And then we behave according to
again. But somebody who doesn’t that physical reacti on. If you say, “I’m going to be happy
believe they should be wealthy, even in this bad situation,” your
who stumbles into money, can What most women understand subconscious mind says, “Okay, you
lose it all. And they say, “I knew it is you have the same physical have a heavy heart. But this is good,
was too good to be true.” reaction for opposite emotions. that is good. You can sti ll be happy.”
You’re scared or you’re excited,
Brian: Right. How exactly do same thing. Scared — knots in your And that’s its job. Its job is to go out
thoughts become things? stomach; excited — butterflies. and fi nd the things that you think
You’re scared, your heart pounds — and you believe. And when you
Dr. Karen: Your thoughts you’re excited, your heart pounds. think things are going to be okay,
literally change the chemical makeup You get the idea. And we behave even if the whole situati on doesn’t
within your body. It changes the accordingly. change, the fact is you see the