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Give  whatever  you’re  doing  the  tomorrow’s  game  plan  tonight,  “Biltmore Who’s Who” and recipient

          gift of attention. Give people the  and  tomorrow  is  looking  prett y  of  their  Executi ve  Of  The  Year

          gift  of  attention.  Concentrate  on  light.  So  all  you  write  down  for   award-an  award  honored to those

          where you are.                       tomorrow  is  “cleanup  day.”  Clean   who have demonstrated Leadership

                                               up all the little notes on your desk.
          4. Learn to say no.                  Write all the thank-you notes you    and  Achievement  in  their  industry.

                                               haven’t  gotten  around  to  writing   Tom began his real estate career as
          Boy, it’s easy in a society like ours  all week. Take care of a few phone  an  investor  in  2000  with  his  focus

          to  say  yes  too  much,  to  over-  calls  that  keep  getting  shuffled  initi ally  being  that  of  foreclosures,
          obligate you. Then it takes all that  from one day to the next. It’s just   rehabbing  and  flipping  properties.

          time  to  back  out  of  it.  Don’t  say  minor  stuff .  Nonetheless,  it’s  the   As he studied the real estate market

          yes too quickly. It’s better to say, “I  litt le stuff  that keeps weighing you

          don’t know if I can make it, but I’ll  down unti l you get it done.       and  all  its  possibilities,  he  realized
          give you a call.” It’s nicer to say that                                  there  was  a  greater  need. Through
          than to back out later.              So you spend your day in cleanup     the  market  ups/downs  there  were
                                               mode. You file the notes, write the  individuals-families  sti ll  searching

          Being too eager to please can be  thank-you  cards,  and  make  the  for the “American Dream”. He found
          dangerous. You need to appreciate  phone  calls.  It’s  not  a  major  day.   that most people, whether real estate

          yourself, your time, and your limits.  But at the end of the day, you feel   savvy or not, still required assistance

          One of my colleagues has a good  you’ve  accomplished  so  much.
          saying:  “Don’t  let  your  mouth  Why?  Because you’ve  taken  care      at  some  level  in  pursuit  of  home

          overload  your  back.”  Being  too  of  so  many  litt le  details.  It’s  the   ownership. He began to utilize what
          eager to please can be dangerous.  litt le details that can make a major  he calls his “Circle of Wealth” team.
          You  need  to  appreciate  yourself,  diff erence.  You  feel  like  you’ve  This team consists of key players in
          your  time,  and  your  limits.  Know  really achieved something during a   the real estate market, making Tom

          when your commitment to someone  day that started out to be so minor.     the “Source of the Source”.
          else  will  end  up  taking  time  away

          from  yourself  and  your  family.  Litt le  achievements  are  just  as
          Appreciate your special time alone.  important  as  big  achievements.    Tom has been able to purchase, close,

          And  appreciate  your  time  with  Success is the constant process of     and assist others in the real estate
          those you love and those who love  working  toward  your  goals,  litt le  transacti on  market  successfully  for
          you. Be eager to please yourself and  achievement by litt le achievement.  the past 15 years. Upon joining TCT
          your  family.  Don’t  be  so  eager  to  Litt le  achievements  produce  big   Real  Estate  (The  Cascade  Team),
          please  everybody  else.  Appreciate  results. Anything is possible in those   he has  helped  and  served  others
          your own limits. You don’t have to  24 hours we’re given each day.

          fill up every second of the day; take                                      with  their  successful  real  estate

          time  to  appreciate  what  you’ve  Thomas is a graduate of SJSU with     transactions  through  TCT’s  many

          accomplished.  Take  time  to  enjoy   a degree in Business/Marketing. He   unique options they offer.

          the fruits of your labor.            also holds certificates from CFG Real

          5. Appreciate the little details.    Estate Marketing Finances and The    You  can  reach  him  at  (505)  328-

                                                                                    2763 as well as tom@tctrealestate.
                                               Arizona  School  of  Real  Estate  and
          Your success should be a pleasure.  Business. He is a member of           com and

          Appreciating what you’ve acquired
          and  what  you’ve  done  and  who
          you’ve become is important. It’s an
          important  component  in  fueling
          your  future  achievements.  Just
          knowing that you finished all you

          started out to do that day… that’s
          encouraging!  It’s  these  little  daily

          gains  that  continue  to  fuel  your

          Let’s  say  you’re  figuring  out

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