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It had nothing to do with the world                                       highest priority things, we maximize
          on the outside, and everything to do                                      the power of our thoughts and we

          with how I perceived the world on                                         accelerate the creation of the things.
          the outside from within. And that I

          could change that perception at any                                       Brian:  That’s  wonderful.  What  do

          time and create whatever happens                                          you think is the role of visualization

          as on the way, not in the way.                                            in the whole creative process?
                                                                                    Dr. John D:   Well,  any  detail  we
          Brian:  Fantastic.  Let’s  talk  about                                    leave out of our vision is a detail that

          the movie, How Thoughts Become                                            other people implode in. And what
          Things.  How  did  you  get  the                                          happens  is we  inject  the values  of
          opportunity to be part of this?                                           other  people  that  cloud  the  clarity
                                                                                    of  our  own  mission,  purpose,  and
          Dr. John D:    I had been in a series                                     vision when we allow them to do it.
          of these types of documentaries —                                         So,  it’s  up  to  us  because  nobody’s
          I  think  we’ve  done  42  now.  Doug                                     going to get up in the morning and
          Vermeeren,  who’s  the  producer,                                         dedicate their life to our fulfillment.

          director, creator of this, has invited                                    It’s up to us to get clear and concise
          me to be in a few of his movies.     more  empowered,  more  accurate  in  our  inner  vision.  Because  our

                                               and  definitely  enlivened  piece  of  innermost  vision  becomes  our
          And it’s appropriate because I have   work  that’s  coming  out.  I’m  very  outermost tangible reality.
          been  working  on  that  topic  and   inspired to be part of that. It’s been
          field  for  many  years.  He  wanted   great.                              We need to get really crystal clear

          to  interview  me  on  that  and  I’m                                     on the details for our vision — I’ve
          blessed to be a part of it. It’s a small   Brian:  Absolutely.  How  can  we   got  25  volumes  of  these  things  in
          part, but I’m grateful to be in it. He’s   program  our  brain  for  the  things   visual books that I have exactly how
          created a number of movies, and he   that we really want?                 I  want  my  life. And  sometimes,  I’ll

          sincerely wants to get a message out                                      spend three hours on one paragraph
          to people that they have the power   Dr. John D:   Well, our inner most   on how I want my life.
          to create a change in their life.    dominant  thought  becomes  our

                                               outermost  tangible  reality.  If  we   The  master  focuses  on  every  finer
          I was invited to do that, and so I love   don’t fill our day with high priority   detail.  And  the  more  details  you

          doing it. I can’t think of anything else   actions  that  inspire  us,  our  days   have,  the  more  concise,  the  more

          I’d rather be doing than researching,   are  designed  to  fill  up  with  low   certain,  the  more  clear,  the  more

          writing,  traveling,  teaching,  and   priority distractions that don’t. The   strategically  planned  you  are,  the

          sharing  with  people  the  inner    symptomatology of when we’re not     higher the  probability that you  get

          magnificence  that  they  have,  and   living inspired is trying to guide us   what  you  set  your  mind  to.  Your

          the  outer  magnificence  that  they   back to priority. And so, it’s us that’s   thoughts become things.
          can create within your thoughts.     making it.                           But  if  you  let  the  world  on  the

                                                                                    outside  infiltrate  and  inject  the

          Brian:  How is this movie different   I  love  the  question  that  Bill  Gates   values and opportunities to distract

          from  The  Secret?  You’ve  been  in   asks every day. “With the resources   you,  you  cloud  the  clarity  of  the
          both of them, so you have a unique   I have right now, how can I make the   mission  and  the  vision  and  the

          perspective on this.                 greatest difference in the world for   thoughts that create things.

                                               the greatest number of people in the
          Dr. John D:    Well,  I  think  in  a   most efficient, effective pathway in   Brian:     With   the    current

          sense it’s a sequel to it. It’s the next   a  way  that  inspires  me  on  a  daily   Coronavirus pandemic, there’s a lot
          step,  next  stage,  so  anybody  who   basis?”                           of groupthink going on. We are all
          has watched The Secret is going to                                        creating what our version of reality

          want to watch this.                  If I ask what is the one thing (as Gary   is,  and  we  all  seem  to  be  doing  it
                                               Keller  says),  the  highest  priority   at  the  same  time.  What  are  your

          But at the same time, it’s a little bit   thing  that  we  can  do  that  makes   impressions about what’s going on

          more sophisticated in the sense that   the biggest difference and the most   and  how  thoughts  become  things

          all of the people who are involved in   effective and efficient way — if we   is  impacted  by  what  we’re  seeing

          it have evolved also. So, we’ve got a   ask that every day and stick to the   around us right now?

          more sophisticated, more in depth,

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