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handshake,  and  an  emotional  just  may  be  the  most  profi table  meeti ng people with the intent to
          30  second  commercial.  These  decision you’ll ever make.                help others, but truly outstanding
          elements  when  combined  create                                          networking is understanding your
          a  unique  “synergy  cocktail”  that  Great   networking     is   about   value,  the  value  of  those  around

          moves people to care.                establishing    your    intentions.  you, and bringing together people

                                               Without  intentions,  you  can’t  with  the  intent  of  a  sustainable,
          Networking is  not about head  establish goals. Intenti ons establish  long-term relati onship that benefi ts
          trash.  As  a  networker,  do  you  your  purpose  to  think,  design  all  those  in  the  conversati on.

          have counterproductive thoughts?  and  implement your  choices,  and  Yes,  conversati on,  where  it  all
          Do you  feel  as  if you  don’t  have  networkers understand that if they  begins, with a smile, a name, and
          worth?  Do  you  not  recognize  don’t  know  their  intenti ons,  their  a handshake. Implementi ng these
          the value that you are? If you do,  ti me, eff ort, and energy becomes  ideas  going  forward  can  make
          these  thoughts,  along  with  many  wasted.                              networking fun and lucrative.

          more, are head trash. Head trash

          is  the  self-defeating  thoughts  What  type  of  goals  should  you  Robert  Jones  is  the  Founder  and
          that  create  thoughts,  feelings,  establish?  That’s  dependent  on  Owner       of   Network     Together,

          or  emotions  that  get  in  the  way  the  type  of  outcomes  you  want  LLC  the  largest  non-franchised
          of  sound  personal  and  business  to  generate.  For  example,  if  you   independently   owned   business

          decisions.   These     self-limiting  intend to create an event, you may   networking organization in Arizona.

          beliefs  are  in  my  opinion  the  concentrate  on  high  infl uencers,   He  is  a  former  Internet  Marketer,
          number  one  cause  of  failure  for  event  planners,  and  appealing    Speaker,  Leader  and  Mentor  to
          most  entrepreneurs.  Head  trash  venue operators. If you are looking    business owners looking to practice

          extends  into  leadership,  personal  to  bring  on  team  members,  you   the  skills  of  networking,  public
          selling, presentations and common  may want to secret shop potenti al     speaking,  digital  promotion,  and

          etiquette. Head trash is just that,  networkers at a networking event.    event presentation.

          it’s in your head. Working against  Each intent necessitates diff erent
          yourself, it’s more destructive than  goals, acti ons and outcomes.

          any  rival.  People  are  attracted  to                                   His  company  puts  on  over  1000

          confidence and head trash is one  Lastly,  and most importantly,           events  and  meetings  per  year  and

          of  the  most  prominent  attributes  networking is about truly defi ning   has  at  least  12  large-sized  event

          of a lack of profit.                  and  establishing your  value.       management projects per year with
                                               Knowing  this  factor  helps  all    his  company  NT  Events.  He  has
          Networking IS about knowing  networkers realize their worth. In           media  experience  on  stage,  on  set,
          your calendar.  A  calendar  is  seminars, I may ask, “What is your       and in studio as a host or guest.
          everything  in  networking.  For  value?”  Very  rarely  do  I  receive
          many  networkers,  success  and  an  appropriate  response,  if  any  Robert att ributes much of his success

          failure is tied to being busy versus  response at all. I may further break  to  his  20  years  of  independent

          being productive. Time is our most  it  down  to,  “What  is  you  worth  business  ownership  with  one  of
          valuable commodity if we choose  per  hour,  or  per  year?  For  many  the  most  successful  bouti que  style
          to use it wisely. Work our calendar  entrepreneurs,  this  is  a  questi on  Search  Engine  Opti mizati on  and
          with  the  18-hour  rule.  That  is,  that is seldom answered. Without    Web Design Companies in America
          make your high income producing  beginning  with  that  end  in  mind,    and his experience as a community
          connections,  in-person  meetings,  what  is  it  from  a  quanti tati ve   leader and social arts organizer. He

          phone calls, and webinars Tuesday  standpoint  that  we  working          has help raise hundreds of thousands
          through  Thursday.  Time  block  towards?  Value  is  not  linear,  it    of dollars for not-for-profit agencies

          from  9  AM  to  3  PM  and  work  comes  from  both  the  inside  and    and  has  sat  on  boards  of  publicly
          those  hours  so  they  are  uber  the outside. The fi rst step is to ask   traded corporations.

          productive  and  uber  profitable.  yourself, “What am I worth?” Is it a

          Create an answering message that  million dollars? And, if so, what do
          offers a convenient time that you  I need to do to get there.              He  served  as  a  US  Marine,  is  a

          will return their call, or better yet,                                    published poet, and is a health nut.
          set up a call service to handle your  Bad networking is meeti ng people
          phones. This  18-hour  time  frame  without intent, great networking is

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