Page 2 - June 2022 CW Magazine Rev1
P. 2

                         THE WOMAN WHO DESIRES MORE OUT OF LIFE.

                                      Who is the contemporary woman?

              She is a business owner, entrepreneur, executive or an employee. She
                 could be single, in a committed relationship, a companion, partner,

                                         spouse, girlfriend, or mother.

                       Welcome to the 1st issue of The

                 Contemporary Woman Magazine. In this

                   issue, Ace Doligosa will be sharing the

                  Empress State of Mind - what it means
                    and how YOU TOO can become the

                        empress you were meant to be.

                                    Happy reading!
                                                                             Shawn R. Jones
                                                                              Shawn R. Jones

             THE CONTEMPORARY WOMAN MAGAZINE                                                         Editor
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