Page 7 - June 2022 CW Magazine Rev1
P. 7

Jarrod: What are the failures you most cherish?         Ace continued: As an entrepreneur, we go through
                                                                ups, downs, lulls, depressions but with this spiritual
        Ace: In becoming a TV script coordinator at the age     practice – it provides me the feeling of motivation
        of  24  was  rare.  As  this  position  is  one  that  would  that encourages me to take on the challenges I face
        normally not be achieved until at least 30 years old.   daily  do  it  with  motivation  feeling  encouraged  to
        For me the failure was working so hard to get to a      take  on  challenges.  I  accomplish  this  by  chanting
        place then realizing it’s not what I thought it would   as  it  helps  me  refine  and  purify  my  thoughts.
        be  nor  what  I  wanted.  in  T.V.  Development  is  you  everyday . What I love about this practice about is
        deal with a lot more politics and take on the role to   that we can chant about our problems, which then
        fight for show ideas rather than being the one who      gives  ourselves  the  opportunity  to  and  then  find
        creates  them,  you  learn  more  from  the  job  about  solutions   both   mentally,   intellectually,   and,
        being  savvy  with  political  leadership  versus       spiritually, and personally.
        producing  the  content.  Don’t  get  me wrong, I  like
        the  business  side  of  things,  from  this  failure  I  Jarrod: As you have stated in past interviews, you’re
        learned that I like the fusion of being creative and    a  mental  health  advocate  and  preach  positivity  in
        being  in  business  together  more.  As  others  have  everything you do, what led you to this or how did
        pointed  out  in  the  past,  only  3  out  of  20  startups  you begin pursuing this path?
        actually  continue  on  to  thrive  and  grow  as
        companies.  Well,  my  most  recent  failure  came      Ace:  When  I  was  eight  years  old,  I  attempted
        about in the last three years where I founded two       suicide and realized there was a lot more to live for
        startups.  One  of  them  is  still  in  business  and  is  but that didn't mean every day wasn’t hard. Mental
        growing  and  I'm  really  happy  for  them.  I  realized  health has been a stigma for a long the time. From
        within  the  process  of  growing  the  media  studio   that  point  on,  I  decided  to  fortify  my  mind  with
        startup I felt barred from expanding and being free     motivational  quotes,  and  read  through  anything
        to do what felt fulfilling. In not allowing me to truly  that  I  felt  was  truthful  wisdom,  which  helped  me
        connect  with  the  right  people,  and  the  right     for a long time without needing medication. While I
        audience  this  was  what  ultimately  kept  me  from   was  working  in  an  executive  role,  I  realized  that
        doing what I am pursuing now, called exploratory        there  were  a  lot  of  people  suffering  from  mental
        entrepreneurship. This is where I work with people      health who would share their struggles with me in
        that  are  small  &  growing  businesses  who  leave  a  silence. In 2018 I noticed there was a strong silence
        positive  impact  on  society.  So  even  though  I     in  the  media  regarding  the  direct  correlation  of
        officially  moved  on  from  that  startup  and  that   one’s mental health and the increasing number of
        chapter of my life, I'm really grateful for that time,  suicides.  I  knew  that  suicidal  thoughts  were
        because  I  appreciate  the  lessons  that  were        common       but    from    Buddhist     philosophy
        necessary  for  me  to  grow.  I  learned  a  lot  in  the  perspective  I  didn’t  know  how  common  it  was
        process  of  growing  the  media  studio  startup.  If  I  amongst  our  culture.  I  decided  to  start  creating
        decide to start another startup in a similar direction  Instagram  posts  that  were  mesmerizing,  that
        in  the  future,  I  feel  I  am  more  than  prepared  to  would focus your attention to the captions, which
        develop it into a successful business.                  were  all  the  motivational  quotes  that  were  meant
                                                                to fortify one’s mind. In knowing that whoever saw
        Jarrod:  What  contributes  most  beyond  work  to      them, it could potentially save their lives. Through
        facilitate  growth  in  your  mental,  intellectual,,   this  suicide  prevention  campaign,  I  started  to  run
        personal, and spiritual development?                    ads  on  Instagram.  I  didn't  know  how  effective  the
                                                                ads  would  be  at  the  time,  but  I  was  paying
        Ace:  “Nam  Myoho  Renge  Kyo,”  in  chanting  this     Instagram directly for them which led to my social
        everyday in the morning as well as before I go to bed   growth  on  the  app.  I  continued  to  grow  my
        (,  this  practice  has  led  me  to
        so much growth as an individual in a very empowering    following  on  Instagram  organically  as  a  mental
        way that is both fulfilling and enjoyable.              health advocate by using the boost/promo feature.
                                                                I  understand  the  algorithm  in  which  I  am  able  to
                                                                target demographics effectively.

                                                                                                Continued on Page 8
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