Page 11 - June 2022 CW Magazine Rev1
P. 11
Jarrod: What does great leadership look like to you? Jarrod: Has there been any chapters in your life that
you would consider a setback and how have they later
Ace: A great leader prepares the people that will in life given you an advantage?
follow in their footsteps the best that they can and
with the welfare of humanity in mind. Ace: This is going to sound really funny. But being
“pretty”, and being seen as a woman sometimes felt
Jarrod: In your childhood, was there a specific game or like a setback. That’s because nobody took me
book or activity you would say best prepared you or seriously and a good portion of the time, tried to
shaped your mindset today? “possess” me but that actually became an advantage. I
learned how to express myself as I truly am and
Ace: Poker. Poker taught me how to read people, build understood that I was setting a precedent for people
confidence, and go all in when you know you have the who looked like me. I knew I was exemplifying what to
chance of winning. expect from people that truly want to succeed and
help others.
Jarrod: Who are some of your role models? And how
have they helped you reach your career goals so far? Jarrod: What does being on our cover for this magazine
mean to you?
Ace: Daisaku IKEDA, the President of Soka Gakkai
International, who is my mentor in life based on Ace: First and foremost – I’d Like to thank Shawn Jones
Nichiren Buddhism. Susan Davis, she is another role for this opportunity. I am incredibly honored to be on
model of mine who was one of the first AAPI the cover of this Magazine and asked by a powerful
executives in entertainment and media, she woman. It means I can share who I truly am and show
established the diversity initiatives that gave me my that we can create windfalls just by being true to
first chance in TV. We mutually support each other’s ourselves as strong, powerful, independent women. As
efforts in regards to diversity and inclusion for Asian non-binary I accept my feminine energy especially as a
representation in entertainment, politics and leader in business.
sustainability. To name a few other role models that
have made an impact on my life and career: Oprah, for Jarrod: If you had to leave us with one thing for all our
her standards of excellence, Les Brown who trained me readers to take with them as they to continue to grow
in motivational speaking, Jon Talarico who trained me in their lives, what would it be?
in achieving results and Neil Strauss who taught me
how to be honest with my writing. Ace: To realize that you have to want to enjoy
something more than fear it and then taking that Em-
Jarrod: How do you bring about change in today’s press mindset with you everywhere to face off against
world? every fear and new challenge that comes to test you.
Ace: Start by saying what needs to be said. If
something isn't right then talk about it with good
reason, not just talking about it just for sake of talking
or complaining, but actually do something about it to
resolve the problem. Complaining will drain your
energy instead of using your energy to take action and
live the life you want on your terms.
Powering through the morning, I find my way through the station discovering not only where I
am going but where I need to be. As I manifest myself, I begin to rise to my potential and level
up to the true empress within me. My walk, my attitude, my mindset has conquered all around
me with nothing able to hold me back no matter where I go. Whether I am commuting to work,
in a meeting or at an event I command the room not just with my style, my talent, but with my
presence as I am Ace Doligosa.