Page 10 - June 2022 CW Magazine Rev1
P. 10

Jarrod:   How  has  social  media  in  today’s  day  and  Jarrod:  Who  are  some  of  your  role  models?  And
        age    helped   you    champion     Mental   Health     how have they helped you reach your career goals
        awareness  and  spread  your  positive  message  to     so far?
        others? And how did you turn your approach into a
        business?                                               Ace: Daisaku  IKEDA,  the  President  of  Soka  Gakkai
                                                                International,  who  is  my  mentor  in  life  based  on
        Ace:  In  the  midst  of  spreading  mental  health     Nichiren Buddhism. Susan Davis, she is another role
        awareness,  I  decided  to  teach  people  how  to  use  model  of  mine  who  was  one  of  the  first  AAPI
        Instagram  marketing  for  their  own  ideas  or        executives  in  entertainment  and  media,  she
        businesses.  This  grew  to  recruiting  graphic        established  the  diversity  initiatives  that  gave  me
        designers  to  help  with  the  creation  of  the  ads  for  my  first  chance  in  TV.  We  mutually  support  each
        each  client  in  which  my  role  was  to  take  that  ad  other’s  efforts  in  regards  to  diversity  and inclusion
        and  teach  them  the  steps  on  how  to  run  a       for  Asian  representation  in  entertainment,  politics
        successful  ad  on  Instagram.  Currently,  I  only  work  and sustainability. To name a few other role models
        with  clients  that  are  looking  to  have  a  positive  that  have  made  an  impact  on  my  life  and  career:
        impact  on  society.  I'm  not  just  doing  this  for  the  Oprah,  for  her  standards  of  excellence,  Les  Brown
        sake  of  money  but  goodwilled  individuals  who      who  trained  me  in  motivational  speaking,  Jon
        understand how to create value. That being said, on     Talarico  who  trained  me  in  achieving  results  and
        social  media,  by  having  a  creator  profile  anything  Neil Strauss who taught me how to be honest with
        that  I  create  with  positive  impact  brands  has    my writing.
        opportunity to create lucrative partnerships. As an
        advocate for mental health awareness, everything I      Jarrod:      With  all  your  different  titles,  producer,
        develop is to support and encourage better mental       author,  entrepreneur,  runway  model,  influencer,
        health  &  public  health.  I  accomplish  this  by  my  artist and advocate…how do you find balance with
        advocacy,  partnering  to  establish  initiatives,  and  your time in your life?
        partnering  with  business  owners  who  create
        products for the betterment of society.                 Ace: I found a fun hack to balancing one’s life and
                                                                managing  the  various  hats  we  wear  –  Understand
        Jarrod:    In  your  childhood,  was  there  a  specific  your role, which is to understand what your mission
        game  or  book  or  activity  you  would  say  best     is  in  this  world  and  your  purpose.  Believing  and
        prepared you or shaped your mindset today?              allow everything to fall into place from there.

        Ace:  Poker. Poker taught me how to read people,        Jarrod: If you had to choose a song to describe your
        build confidence, and go all in when you know you       journey in life so far, what would it be and why?
        have the chance of winning.
                                                                Ace: “I Believe” by Yolanda Adams. It really speaks
                                                                to me about how challenging our lives can be but
                                                                celebrates  how  we  can  persevere  regardless  of

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