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Lori  Osborne,  Founder  and  Chief  Solution  Architect  for
                                                       BizBolster  Web  Solutions.  She  is  a  public  speaker,
                                                       published  best-selling  author,  website  designer,  and  a
                                                       SEO  tools  specialist.  Lori  has  30+  years’  experience  in
                                                       technology and has been a small business owner for over
                                                       15 years and understands the challenges small business
                                                       owners  face  with  technology  and  digital  marketing

                                                                   Showcase  your  expertise:  Demonstrate
                                                                   your  expertise  by  providing  useful
                                                                   content    that   also   addresses   your
                                                                   visitor’s pain points. Share case studies,
                          By Lori Osborne                          helpful  tips  and  tricks,  and  success

                                                                   stories  that  illustrate  your  knowledge
            The  philosophy  of  building  know,  like,  and  trust  and abilities. The very best way to do this
            with prospects to drive sales has become quite         is through blogs! With blogs, you not only
            popular  in  recent  years,  coined  by  a  few  well-  help  build  know,  like,  and  trust,  you  also
            known  sales  and  marketing  geniuses  like  Zig      help  your  Search  Engine  Optimization
            Ziglar  and  Bob  Burg.  But  what  does  this  truly  (SEO).
            mean, especially with a website where you’re not       Provide  social  proof:  Use  social  proof,
            even directly engaging with the prospect? Here
            are 8 tips you can apply to your website today         such    as    customer     reviews    and
                                                                   testimonials,  to  show  that  others  have
            to  help  build  know,  like,  and  trust  with  your
            website visitors:                                      had a positive experience with you. Make
                                                                   it  easy  for  visitors  to  find  and  read
              Know  your  customer  avatar  and  speak  their      reviews  by  sprinkling  them  throughout
              language: Start by assessing WHO you serve           your website. Also provide a link to where
              then  speak  their  language.  What  are  their      your testimonials are posted (i.e. Google
              common  traits:  age,  occupation,  marital          or Facebook).
              status,  education,  financial  level,  etc?  Then
              determine their pain points – in other words,        Use  high-quality  visuals:  Use  high-quality
              why do your clients come to you? It is always        visuals,  such  as  images  and  videos,  to
              easier  to  build  a  relationship  with  someone    showcase  your  products,  services,  and
              when they feel you “get” them.                       team.  Use  professional  photography  and
                                                                   videography  to  make  your  website  look
              Give  something  of  value:  Have  a  free  opt-in   polished and professional. (And be sure to
              that  your  customer  avatar  would  consider        properly obtain any copyrighted images!)
              valuable and would even be willing to pay for.
              Make this something that also demonstrates           Make  it  easy  to  contact  you:  Provide
              your expertise, such as an e-book, a guide, a        clear  contact  information  such  as  your
              video with tips and tricks, etc. Not only does       phone  number,  email  address,  social
              this help build know, like, and trust, but it also   media  platforms,  and  physical  address
              helps build your email list.                         (when relevant). You may even consider a
                                                                   chat bot for real-time engagement.
              Be transparent: Be open and honest with your
              audience about who you are, what you do, and         Provide  guarantees:  Provide  guarantees,
              why you do it. Share your mission, values, and       such  as  money-back  or  replacement
              goals.  Use  clear  and  simple  language  that      guarantees and free trials to reduce the
              your audience can understand.                        risk  for  your  customers  and  show  that
                                                                   you  stand  behind  your  products  and

                                                                       Lori Osborne, BizBolster Web Solutions LLC.
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