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A Spiritual Perspective

                                                               1 Kings 3:5
                                                               In Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon in a
                                                               dream by night: and God said, Ask what I shall
                                                               give thee… (This all began as a Dream)
                                                               Acknowledge the protection and gifts of God:
                                                               through strengths and

                                                               Sought…the discernment between good and bad

                         By Dr. Joseph Blake

             Wisdom  and  wealth  are  two  different          Know…he didn’t ask for long life, riches for
             concepts  that  are  often  compared  and         thyself, or the failure of enemies.
                                                               1 Kings 3:11
             Wisdom  refers  to  using  knowledge  and
             experience  to  make  sound  judgments  and       …but hast asked for thyself understanding to
                                                               discern judgment
             decisions.  It  is  the  ability  to  understand  and
             apply morality, ethics, and practical principles  There is a Real World versus Textbook  World
             in life situations. Wisdom is often associated
             with insight, discernment, and good judgment.     decisions that we must address every day.

             Wealth,  on  the  other  hand,  refers  to  the   In short, choosing to Building Financial Literacy
             accumulation  of  financial  resources  and       decisions fall within the parameters of wisdom
             assets.  It  is  the  possession  of  material    vs.  wealth  for  our  future.  Clarifying  the
             resources  such  as  money,  property,  and       distinction  between  wisdom  and  wealth  is
             possessions  that  can  be  used  to  acquire     crucial. It's important to understand that while
             goods and services.                               wealth    refers    to    abundant     material
                                                               possessions and resources, wisdom is applying
             While  wisdom  and  wealth  are  often  seen  as  knowledge  and  experience  to  make  sound
             contrasting    concepts,    they   are    not     decisions and judgments. One can have wealth
             necessarily  mutually  exclusive.  A  person  can  without wisdom, but wealth alone may not bring
             be  both  wise  and  wealthy  or  possess  one    true fulfillment and success in life. Solomon
             without the other.                                asked for wisdom and received
                                                               wealth from God. It’s wise to
             Some  may  argue  that  wisdom  is  more          strive for wealth and wisdom,
             important  than  wealth  regarding  personal
             fulfillment  and  happiness.  This  is  because   but if one must choose,
                                                               pursuing wisdom is
             knowledge     can    lead   to    a   deeper
             understanding  of  oneself  and  the  world       undoubtedly more
                                                               valuable  and rewarding.
             around  them,  bringing  about  inner  peace  and
             contentment.  Conversely,  wealth  can  bring     This is a complex matter
                                                                of life…
             temporary    happiness    through    material
             possessions but may not necessarily provide       Dr.  Blake  is  a  Best-Selling  Author  of  Joseph,
             long-term fulfillment.                            Building  Financial  Literacy,  and  a  three-time
             Ultimately,  the  importance  of  wisdom  and     International Contributing Author with the Art of
             wealth  may  vary  depending  on  individual      Connection!  Currently,  an  Investment  Advisor
             values  and  beliefs.  Both  can  bring  value  to  Representative   with   over   29   years   of
             life, and it is up to each person to determine    experience,  retired  as  a  Federal  Financial
             how  they  prioritize  and  pursue  these         Specialist, and a three-time Medal Awardee of
             concepts in their own lives.                      the USAF.
                                                                           Dr. Joseph Blake, Jr., Blake Media, LLC.
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