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By Eric Bruce
             Your Google Business Profile is the best way to
             feed information about your business directly to
             the  Google  algorithm.  The  Google  Business
             Profile,  or  GBP,  is  your  opportunity  to  list
             everything  about  your  business  with  Google.
             When  someone  types  into  the  Google  search
             bar,  “  find  a  _____  in  my  area,”  Google  has  all  Google  has  decided  an  excellent  page  is
             your information ready to hand the searcher.       informative   and    engaging.   The    more
                                                                information:  text,  photos,  and  videos  the
             Google will sell your product or service for you…  better.  Notice  that  fancy  and  expensive  are
             IF  Google  has  all  the  most  up-to-date  and   not  a  part  of  what  Google  looks  for
             correct   information   about   your   business.   necessarily.   Google   has    updated   the
             Keeping your GBP up-to-date is for another time.   software  so  that  it  records  how  much  text,
                                                                how  many  photos,  how  many  videos  are
             Your  website  is  very  closely  related  to  your  included.  It  also  counts  links  to  other  sites
             Google  Ranking.  For  example,  if  you  do       and  counts  the  links  to  the  site  from  other
             everything “right,” on your GBP, Google rewards    sites. How quickly a site loads is a part of the
             you  by  bringing  your  search  ranking  up.  When  ranking.  When  a  Google  customer,  someone
             someone  searches  for  whatever  it  is  you  do,  who used Google to find your website, clicks
             your business will show up near the top or at the  elsewhere  because  your  site  took  too  long
             top  of  the  list  of  businesses  that  do  what  you  to  load,  Google  won’t  send  as  many  people
             do.                                                to  your  site.  If  your  site  looks  bad,  Google
                                                                looks bad.
             UNLESS  your  bad  website  messes  that  up  for
             you.  Consider  your  bad  website  to  be  that  kid  Making sure your Google Business Profile is
             you  hung  out  with  in  High  School  that  brought  up-to-date  and  consistently  updated  is  a
             down your stellar reputation because he or she     great way to rank higher in searches. Having
             was less than a great student.                     an engaging, informative website that loads
                                                                quickly,  links  to  other  informative  sites,  and
                                                                has relevant pictures and keywords will keep
             Your  GBP  contains  information  about  your      your ranking high and keep prospects coming
             business  as  well  as  several  calls  to  action  or  “to your door.”
             contact points. One of the contact points is your
             website. When a prospect clicks the website link
             from your GBP to your website, Google keeps an
             eye on what they are doing and makes sure their
             experience  online  continues  to  be  excellent.  If
             your  website  isn’t  excellent,  Google  will  drop
             your ranking on searches for your category.             Google Business Profile

                                                                       and Website Analysis

                                                                Eric Bruce, Google Visibility Specialist

            Eric Bruce, Marketing Success Pros
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