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Verizon  survey  results  from  their  coaching    As  a  result,  employees  are  becoming  more
             programs suggest the investment is paying off:     empowered  to  take  responsibility  for  their
                                                                learning and development.
                    94% of new directors would recommend
                    executive coaching to assist with the
                    onboarding process.                         Employee  coaching  provides  a  strong,
                                                                supportive,    and    trusting   relationship
                                                                between the coach, employee, and employer.
                    95% of new directors and their managers
                    agree that the coaching program             The  goal  is  to  create  a  culture  of  open
                    significantly increased their productivity.  communication,  where  each  person  feels
                                                                that  their  opinions  and  ideas  are  valued  by
                    99% of managers agree that coaching         the company.
                    has improved new directors' impact on
                    communication, executive presence and       Effective  coaching  gives  employees  the
                    influence, resilience and change, team      opportunity to...
                    performance, and strategic thinking.                Focus and achieve reachable goals,
                                                                        encourage them to take on new
             In  April  2022.  LinkedIn  chief  economist  Karin        tasks, develop skills and expand their
             Kimbrough  responded  78%  of  LinkedIn’s  2022            capabilities
             Top Companies in the U.S. say they are investing
             in coaching for their employees, with a focus on           Feel supported and have their

             everything from general well-being to leadership           questions answered
             diversity coaching. Karin also included that over
             the  past  two  years,  Google  has  seen  a  200%         Encourage team interaction with
             increase in participation in the program, and its          each other and share skills and
             coaching roster has doubled.                               methods

             Corporations  are  hiring  coaches  to  reduce             Build their confidence by guiding,
             employee turnover and enhance employee skills,             supporting and recognizing
             cultivate  talent,  increase  productivity,  and           accomplishments
             improve  leadership  effectiveness.  Coaches  are
             there  to  help  to  guide  employees  to  develop          Contribution and welcome different
             long-term  goals,  focus  on  their  individual            perspectives
             strengths,  and  map  short-term  work  priorities
             clear  next  steps  and  observable  measures  of           Fuel their confidence become more
             success.                                                   resilient and creative

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