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Corporations  are  hiring  coaches  to  reduce
            employee turnover and enhance employee skills,
            cultivate  talent,  increase  productivity,  and
            improve  leadership  effectiveness.  Coaches  are
            there  to  help  to  guide  employees  to  develop
            long-term  goals,  focus  on  their  individual
            strengths,  and  map  short-term  work  priorities
            clear  next  steps  and  observable  measures  of
            success. With this approach, work environments
            become  more  employee  focused  encouraging
            them  to  want  to  develop  their  abilities  and
            actively contribute to the organization.

            The  days  when  employees  began  working  for  a
            company with the intention of retiring from them
            no  longer  exist.  Employees  are  driving  changes
            in  corporate  culture  because  they  want  more.
            They want to be seen, heard, and nurtured and it
            is  companies  like  Zappos,  Verizon,  and  Google
            who  are  thriving  because  they  listen  to  their

            Bottomline,  employers  are  learning  if  they
            provide valuable opportunities for employees to
            grow,  develop  skills,  and  are  supported  they
            intern  reduce  employee  turnover,  increase
            productivity,  leading  to  higher  profitability  and
            customer satisfaction.

            At  Infinite  Core  Coaching,  we  work  directly  with
            employers  and  Human  Resources  to  help  them      Shawn  Renee  Jones,  President  of  Infinite
            better  their  relationships  with  their  employee’s  Core  Coaching  and  CEO  of  iNETrepreneur
            while  providing  employee  coaching  services        Network,    the    largest   internationally
            onsite  and  remote  focusing  on  behavior           recognized entrepreneurial network. She is a
            modification,     career     changes,      skills     certified  Keynote  Speaker  who  speaks  to
            development,    increasing    job   performance,      business,    educational,    and     family
            problem solving, and attitude improvement.            communities  and  is  a  multi-International
                                                                  Best-Selling  Author  of  the  legacy  book
                                  "The biggest impact one         series,  Art  of  Connection  365.  Shawn  is  an
                                  makes in their life are the     author-contributor  of  the  book,  The  Gift  of
                                     words they whisper           The Universe Through Women That Lead and
                                   silently to themselves."       she  is  Editor  in  Chief  for  the  Contemporary
                                                                  Woman and iNETrepreneur Magazines.
                                     -Shawn Renee Jones
                                  Art of Connection 365 Days
                                       of Transformation

            Shawn Renee Jones, Infinite Core Coaching
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