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By Joanne Angel BarryColon

             What  is  all  the  hype  about  self-care?  Does                  Known  for  communication,  listening,
             everyone follow the same self-care rituals?        expression,  learning  and  teaching.  This  sign
                                                                is  related  to  the  third  house  and  ruled  by
             Everyone  has  a  Chiron  Wound  and  that  wound  Mercury.  Those  with  a  Chiron  wound  in
             may  explain  why  self-care  may  not  be  a  high  Gemini are afraid of speaking up and tripping
             priority for everyone.                             over  their  words.  Writing  a  short  story  or
                                                                poem and sharing it with a friend is a fun way
             Chiron is known as the asteroid that points out    to activate confidence and self-care.
             the  “wound”  in  our  natal  chart,  what  we
             experience  as  the  challenge  we  attempt  to                    Known as the healer, those born
             overcome or avoid in life, that differs for each of  under the sign of Cancer are family oriented
             us depending on the astrological house it’s in.    and  appreciate  home  (shelter,  work,  body).
                                                                This sign is related to the fourth house and
             For  me,  Chiron  is  in  Aries  in  the  tenth  house,  ruled  by  the  Moon.  A  person  with  a  Chiron
             which reflects on my Soul’s work, respect, value   wound  in  Cancer  wound  feels  unloved  and
             and worthiness. Read on to discover what Chiron    abandoned.  They  often  have  issues  with  a
             in each of the following signs in your natal chart  family member. Planning time with family will
             means for you:                                     help activate self-care.

             Aries                                              Leo
                                                                         Enjoys changes and doing
                     Represents  impulsivity  and  ready-to-go
             energy.  The  Aries  are  not  known  for  their   different  things,  Leo’s  are  expressive  and
             patience and could care less how they are seen     creative.  They  also  like  to  make  a  big
             in  the  world.  This  sign  is  related  to  the  first  entrance and exit. This sign is related to the
             house  and  ruled  by  Mars.  The  Chiron  wound  in  fifth house and ruled by the Sun. The Chiron
             Aries  is  related  to  not  feeling  worthy  or   wound  in  Leo  suffers  from  lack  of
             appreciated.  A  great  way  to  help  activate  self-  recognition and constantly looking for praise
             care is to get in the habit of doing something for  and  reinforcement.  Activate  self-care  by
             yourself    and     celebrating    your     own    planning a playful day off or dancing like no
             accomplishments.                                   one is watching.

             Taurus                                               Virgo  Represents   organizing,   planning,
                         Represents values, relationships, money,

             physical  and  material  possessions.  This  sign  is  perfectionism,  and  the  body  system.  This
             related to the second house and ruled by Venus.    sign related to the sixth house and ruled by
             People with a Chiron wound in Taurus are afraid    Mercury.  A  Chiron  wound  in  Virgo  has  a
             of  losing  physical  and  material  possessions  or  challenging time accepting who they are and
             someone  they  care  for.  To  help  activate  self-  often feel like an outsider. To help activate
             care schedule a spa day for yourself.              self-care,  attend  a  weekly  group  healing

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