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By Shawn Renee Jones

            The term coach, meaning  “instructor/trainer”  is
            c.1830  Oxford  University  slang  for  a  tutor  who
            “carries”  a  student  through  an  exam;  athletic
            sense  is  1861.  The  verb  is  from  1610s,  “to
            convey  in  a  coach;”  meaning  “to  prepare
            (someone)  for  an  exam”  is  from  1849.  Merriam
            Webster Dictionary terms a coach as “one who
            instructs or trains” and today the popularity of
            hiring coaches is greater than ever and is no longer synonymous with sports.

            Why  is  coaching  becoming  popular?  Individuals  and  companies  are  finding  they  are  receiving
            massive benefits because of working with a coach or multiple coaches who specialize in various
            aspects of life and business.

            PwC reports the coaching industry is the second-fastest growing sector with an estimated value
            of  $20  billion  a  year.  With  more  than  31  types  of  coaches  and  4  types  of  coaching  styles
            businesses, individuals, and families are investing approximately $1 billion a year in the U.S. states
            Harvard Business review.

                    99% of individuals and companies who hire a coach are “satisfied or very
                    satisfied” and 96% say they would repeat the process.  (ICF Global Coaching Client Study)
                    51% of companies with a strong coaching culture report higher revenue than
                    their industry peer group.  (Human Capital Institute)
                    A survey of 100 executives showed that the average ROI of executive coaching
                    was almost 6x the cost of coaching.  (International Coach Federation)
                    Executive coaching helps women improve their performance, satisfaction, and
                    well-being. (International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring)
                    75% say that the value of executive and leadership coaching is “considerably
                    greater” or “far greater” than the money and time invested.
                    (International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring)

            Corporations such as Zappos, Verizon, Google parent company Alphabet have company coaching
            programs available to employees. Why?

                      “Company coaching programs have been shown to increase employee retention
                       and engagement, boost productivity, and overcome performance issues,” the
                         Zappos blog explains. “Employees find opportunities to strengthen their
                       skillsets, gain confidence, and assume more responsibility in the workplace.”

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