Page 6 - FlipMay2023Project
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Second,  have  a  variety  of  teas  available  to
                                                               choose  from  for  different  needs.  Maybe  you
                                                               need  a  pick  me  up  in  the  afternoon.  A  nice
                                                               black tea can be a good choice. If you have a
                                                               sensitivity to caffeine, you can choose a de-
                                                               caffeinated  tea  or  an  herbal  tea  with  no
                                                               caffeine.  Peppermint  or  an  herbal  blend,  like
                                                               orange    peel   and   lemongrass    can   be
                                                               refreshing.    Try  different  teas  to  see  what
                                                               works.    Store  your  teas  in  an  airtight  tea
                                                               caddy to keep them organized and protected
                                                               from moisture and sun exposure.

                           By Kathleen Edinger                 Lastly,  take  a  walk  with  your  tea  in  hand
                                                               following a stressful meeting or situation to
             Everyone  knows  that  life  and  work  can  be  very  recharge  and  regroup  before  your  next  task
             stressful  at  times.    Studies  show  that  stress  or meeting. Being able to recharge with a nice
             can  affect  your  health  and  if  not  managed  can  cup of tea will make the day more enjoyable
             lead to chronic health problems.  Stress  can  be  for  you.  Being  able  to  shake  off  stress  will
             managed daily and tea is a wonderful vehicle to   allow you to be more present.  You  can  even
             control stress and stay centered throughout the   take a walk with your tea before a meeting to
             day.  Tea is a beverage that is very popular and  get yourself centered and calm. So, grab your
             consumed  daily  all  over  the  world.  Both  the  favorite travel tumbler, go outside, and take a
             Chinese and Japanese cultures have enjoyed the    few deep breaths to reset.
             health  benefits  of  tea  for  centuries.    Tea,
             especially  the  Camellia  Sinensis  plant  is  full  of  Enjoying healthy tea anywhere does not need
             antioxidants  and  a  non-essential  amino  acid,  L-  to  be  an  arduous  task.   Having  a  convenient
             theanine,  that  can  counteract  the  various    location  for  your  tea  preparation  with  your
             stresses  we  experience  each  day.  L-theanine  favorite mug or tumbler and a variety of teas
             creates  a  relaxed,  but  alert  state.  Buddhist  will  make  the  process  easy.    Taking  a  walk
             Monks consume green tea and enjoy this benefit    with your tea can also improve your mood and
             during  long  periods  of  meditation.  Tea  can  be  recharge your energy.  Remembering  to  step
             added  to  your  daily  routine  in  three  easy  ways  away  from  the  chaos  of  the  day,  make  time
             anytime and anywhere you would like.              for yourself and enjoy the moment can make
                                                               a stressful workday just a bit more tolerable
             First,  create  a  space  that  is  easily  accessible  and even more fulfilling.
             and a time saver for preparing your tea. Having
             an inexpensive electric tea kettle with different
             temperature  settings  is  useful  and  expedites
             the water heating for any tea. Using a fun mug,
             cup   or   travel   tumbler   makes   the   tea
             consumption  more  comforting.    You  can  use
             biodegradable,  disposable  tea  bags  or  use  an
             infuser  basket  for  the  tea  leaves.  Use  any  tea
             accessory that will make the process easy and

                                                                                  Kathleen Edinger, Teascapes
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