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Represents balance,                                         Known to be rebels, enjoy
             relationships, contracts, and marriage. This sign  freedom and create their own rules. This sign
             is  related  to  the  seventh  house  and  is  ruled  by  is related to the eleventh house and ruled by
             Venus. The Chiron wound in Libra struggles with    Uranus.  Those  with  a  Chiron  wound  in
             a lack of trust, love and being cared for. To help  Aquarius  struggle  with  fitting  in  and  feeling
             activate self-care allow yourself to be pampered   weird. To help activate self-care show up as
             by a loved one or friend.                          your unique self.

                               Known as seeker, obsessive and                   They feel everything –
             jealous.     Represents       ending,     death,   intuitive, sensitive, psychic, dreamer and may
             transformation, and new beginnings. This sign is   have an addiction. This sign is related to the
             related  to  the  eighth  house  and  ruled  by  Pluto.   twelfth  house  and  ruled  by  Neptune  and
              Those with a Chiron wound in Scorpio relate to    Jupiter.  The  Chiron  wound  in  Pisces  causes
             deep emotions and prefer to spend time alone. A
                                                                struggle  with  faith  and  the  connection  with
             great  way  to  activate  self-care  is  attending  a  the  Universe  or  Divine.  Due  to  lack  of  trust,
             small group retreat or yoga class.                 they  hold  on  tightly  and  are  afraid  to  move
                                                                on. A perfect self-care day is a day of healing
                                 Never  feels  satisfied  or  content.  self and others.
             Sagittarians  enjoy  outside  activities,  traveling
             and higher education. This sign is related to the
             ninth  house  and  ruled  by  Jupiter.  Those  with  a
             Chiron wound in Sagittarius have issues related
             to lack of belief. They have a hard time trusting
             people  and  also  feel  like  life  has  no  purpose.  A
             fun  way  to  activate  self-care  is  to  get  in  the
             habit of volunteering at a senior center or soup

                         Represents  career,  hard  workers,
             achievements, and success. Capricorn is related
             to  the  tenth  house  and  ruled  by  Saturn.  Those
             with a Chiron wound in Capricorn may be afraid of
             failure. This sign wants only to be noticed, heard
             and  respected,  but  never  seems  to  get  it.  A
             great  way  to  activate  self-care  is  to  recognize
             and celebrate your success with a weekend get-
             away or a special gift.                            Rev Joanne Angel Barry Colon has 35+ years
                                                                in  the  health,  fitness  and  wellness  industry
                                                                and 15+ years in the Healing industry. She is
                                                                the  Founder  of  Wholistic  Fitness,  Certified
                                                                Wholistic  Personal  Trainer,  Intuitive  Healer,
                                                                Cosmic  Energy  Reader,  Medical  Astrologer,
                                                                Master  of  Numerology,  Host  of  Joanne’s
                                                                Healing  Within  T.V  Show  and  Joanne’s
                                                                Cosmic  Energy  Radio  Show,  Author/Self-
                                                                Publisher and the Creator of Chakra Balance
                                                                Numerology  Cosmic  Energy  Forecast  Deck.
                                                                Joanne has helped over 20,000 women gain
                                                                confidence  to  be  seen  and  heard  and  have
                                                                the courage to walk away for their material
                                                                JOB and embrace their soul’s calling.

            Joanne Angel BarryColon
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