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By Craig Darling

             In today's digital age, businesses must have
             a strong online presence to attract and retain
             customers. One of the key ways to do this is
             by optimizing Google Business Profiles. With
             the  help  of  A.I.  and  companies  like  Darling
             Local,  businesses  can  create  search-friendly
             descriptions  for  their  products  and  services,
             making  it  easier  for  potential  customers  to  Craig Darling is the founder, president, and CEO
             find them.                                         of Darling Local, a multi-seven-figure internet
                                                                marketing company that specializes in helping
             A.I.  helps  businesses  by  using  natural        local business owners worldwide dramatically
             language  processing  and  machine  learning       increase their online visibility.
             algorithms to analyze customer feedback and
             generate descriptive copy. For example, if you    Darling Local, the number one Google Business
             run  a  restaurant,  A.I.  will  analyze  customer  Management  Company  worldwide,  helps  over
             reviews  and  social  media  posts  to  identify  500 local businesses be found on the first page
             popular  dishes  and  customer  preferences.  It  of  Google  by  optimizing  their  Google  Business
             then   uses   the   information   to   create     Profiles.  They  offer  free  Google  Business
             compelling    product    descriptions    that     Management               training            at
             emphasize  menu  items'  unique  features  and  which  helps
             benefits.                                         businesses  learn  how  to  optimize  their
                                                               business  profiles,    saving  them  time  and
             Similarly, if you run a lawn care company, A.I.   resources while improving their online visibility.
             will  use  image  recognition  technology  to     The training covers everything from setting up
             analyze  photos  of  customers'  lawns  and       profiles   to   verification,   optimization   and
             identify  the  types  of  plants  and  issues  they  generating visibility.
             may be experiencing. The information is then
             used to create targeted service descriptions      At Darling Local, our experts effectively use AI
             which  address  specific  needs  and  are  more   to create search-friendly descriptions that help
             likely to appear in relevant search results.      our client's businesses engage with their target
                                                               audience.  It  is  part  of  our  Google  Business
             One  of  the  unique  benefits  of  using  A.I.  to  Management service.
             manage  Google  Business  Profiles  is  that  it  By  taking  advantage  of  free  Google  Business
             helps  to  optimize  engagement  and  attract     Management training, you can learn how to use
             potential customers in ways other marketing       Google  Business  Profiles  to  increase  your
             strategies  simply  cannot  do.  A.I.  assists    online visibility.
             businesses  to  engage  with  their  target
             audience  and  attract  potential  customers
             through  creating  personalized  content  that
             aligns  with  Google's  algorithm  to  deliver
             business to those the algorithm believes are
             most  likely  to  engage  and  do  business  with

             Craig Darling, Darling Local, Inc.
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