Page 5 - Kingham Hill School Sixth Form Prospectus
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What’s special about Kingham Hill School
‘A Top Small Independent School’ for A wide range of academic and
highest A levels - The Telegraph. vocational qualifications.
91% A*- C and 45% A*- A last year.
The Sixth Form have their social and
Smaller class sizes provide individual study areas, including a bar!
support, and the time to explore ideas and
work collaboratively with peers and staff. Huge range of activities on offer, from
cooking to karting and farm club to film.
A welcoming community where everyone
is nurtured, challenged and inspired A leadership programme that challenges
to succeed. every pupil to step out of their comfort
zone and thrive.
See the world and make a difference -
join our Zambia trip to support the Alpacas - how many other schools
children of Eden Farm. have these?
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Kingham Hill 2018 Sixth Form Prospectus A5 40pp.indd 5 10/11/2017 12:04