Page 10 - Kingham Hill School Sixth Form Prospectus
P. 10

Admission, progression and coursework

               Requirements for admission         AS to A level (A2)

               To embark on Sixth Form course programme   Pupils who are not working at least at a
               pupils must achieve five 9 to 4 grades at   C grade level in the Lower Sixth cannot
               GCSE. Usually, grade 6 must be attained   realistically hope for significant success
               at GCSE for subjects pupils wish to study   in their final exams without dramatic
               at A level and for some subjects we do   improvement. The School’s policy is not to
               strongly recommend that a grade 7 has   allow progression where a pupil is achieving
               been achieved in order to progress. Where   below a D grade on average, measured
               a subject has not been studied at GCSE,   in internal end of year examinations as
               grades in similar subjects may be taken   appropriate, following on from the checkpoint
               as indicators of success and entry onto   exams in Lent term of Year 12.
               the course will be at the discretion of the
               Academic Deputy, the Head of Sixth Form   Pupils’ attainment is reported in termly
               and the relevant Head of Department.   reports and at parents’ meetings. As well as
                                                  their subject teachers, each pupil has a tutor
               Pupils should be aware that achieving a   who is there to offer advice and help him or
               grade 6 at GCSE does not automatically   her to get the most out of their time in the
               indicate a successful pass at AS/A level.   Sixth Form. If, for whatever reason, a pupil
               Pupils should speak to their GCSE subject   falls behind, their whole programme of study
               teachers or to the relevant Head of   is reviewed, and it may be that the number
               Department for specific guidance about   of courses is limited to ensure the very best
               their Sixth Form choices. Pupils who have   results at the end of the two years.
               not achieved a grade 4 or higher in English
               Language or Mathematics at GCSE must
               retake these subjects in the Sixth Form in the
               relevant option block(s), which will have an
               impact on which other courses they can take.


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