Page 11 - Kingham Hill School Sixth Form Prospectus
P. 11
Admission, progression and coursework Personalised support programmes
Pre-A level Programme for Support for those with Special
international pupils Educational Needs and
This is a one year course that includes GCSE Disabilities (SEND)
Science, GCSE Maths, GCSE in a native
language (where possible), an internally Kingham Hill caters for a number of pupils
assessed Business course, and has a with Special Educational Needs and
particular emphasis on English competency Disabilities who are fully integrated into the
and study skills, to bridge the gap from GCSE rest of the School. Growing independence is
to A level. Pupils work on their academic encouraged and expected so as to prepare
English as well as business English. our pupils for further education and the
workplace. The department can give support
International pupils to Sixth Formers at regular times, sometimes
off timetable. Staff are also available to help
individual pupils on request.
International pupils quickly become part of
the community at Kingham Hill. They study
and socialise with a wide range of young
people from the UK and overseas. The
English for Speakers of Other Languages
(ESOL) department provides regular lessons
and English language support for Sixth
Form pupils. The teaching gives an excellent
preparation for study at university at home
or abroad.
Kingham Hill 2018 Sixth Form Prospectus A5 40pp.indd 11 10/11/2017 12:04