Page 8 - Kingham Hill School Sixth Form Prospectus
P. 8

Courses and option structures for 2018-20

               Qualification Reform: AS and       Cambridge Technical Level 3
               A level courses                    Certificate/Subsidiary Diploma

               Since September 2017, A levels have been   and BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary
               reformed so all exams are taken at the end   Diploma
               of the two year courses in the summer of
               Year 13. Our policy is that pupils will not   We offer a Cambridge Technical Level 3
               sit AS exams in Year 12. Instead, internal   Certificate/Subsidiary Diploma in Business
               assessments will be set in the Lent term of   as well as Sport. This is a vocational
               Year 12 to act as ‘checkpoint’ exams, to give   qualification rather than an A level, and
               pupils and parents a clear indication of their   is assessed predominantly through
               progress. If these exams are not passed,   coursework. A level 3 Subsidiary Diploma is,
               pupils will sit further exams in these subjects   however, equivalent to an A level, while the
               at the end of the year in order to progress    Level 3 Certificate equates to an AS level.
               to Year 13.
                                                  We offer the BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary
               Most pupils embark upon three courses,   Diploma in Performing Arts and Animal
               with some pupils (usually around 10%   Management. The Level 3 Subsidiary
               of the cohort) beginning four. We believe   Diploma is of equal weight to an A level.
               that three courses, with an EPQ, will give
               pupils the qualifications they need to   American Program
               apply to competitive universities or other
               opportunities; moreover, this will also
               allow them to stay on top of their workload   The American Program is a unique course
               whist reading extensively around their   allowing pupils the opportunity to study at
               chosen subjects.                   a traditional British school while meeting
                                                  US educational requirements to receive a
               In the case of pupils who are taking four   US High School Diploma or US Academic
               subjects but wish to stop one subject at AS   transcript. Pupils in this programme receive
               level, it may be possible for AS examinations   an individualised academic plan comprised
               to be completed in the summer of Year 12    of AS/A level courses, traditional US courses
               in the subject the pupil wishes to drop.   or a mixture of the two. Please note that all
                                                  pupils are required to obtain written
                                                  approval from the Director of American
                                                  Studies prior to registering for any courses
                                                  on this programme.
                                                  Kingham Hill School is a member of the New
                                                  England Association of Schools and Colleges.
                                                  All US Diplomas and US transcripts are
                                                  legally recognised by the US Department
                                                  of Education.


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