Page 57 - Jericho Force of the Future
P. 57

TRAILBLAZERS                                                                                           TRAILBLAZERSTRAILBLAZERS

 A 5th generation force will rely heavily on connectivity, integration,
 agility and resilience in equal measures. Air Force was excited to partner
 with Northrop Grumman in 2016 to demonstrate the use of an Airborne
 Communications Gateway with the potential to link previously incompatible
 Army and Air Force systems.

 The Jericho Dawn demonstration was held during a live fire joint exercise at the
 Puckapunyal Military Area, where an airborne gateway successfully linked Army’s
 WGCDR Jesse Laroche   Armed Reconnaissance Helicopters (operating on Eurogrid) and the Advanced   WGCDR Michael Duyvene de Wit
 Plan Jericho  Field Artillery Tactical Data System (operating VMF) with Air Force Link 16   Commanding Officer 4SQN
 equipped Command and Control (C2) and Close Air Support aircraft.
 This was the first time that digital positional, threat and command and control   "THIS HAS AND WILL CONTINUE TO ENSURE THAT
 information was passed to and from Eurogrid, Link 16 and AFATDS. The airborne
 gateway concept enhances the agility needed to respond to C2 challenges when   THE AIR FORCE AND 4SQN REMAIN CURRENT AND
 and where they arise, as well as demonstrating resilience by providing a viable
 communications alternative to space based assets.  RELEVANT WITH EMERGING CLOSE AIR SUPPORT
                                                       TECHNIQUES AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES."



          With the assistance of Plan Jericho’s program        Utilising this equipment, 4SQN has been able to expand
          to Enhance the Air-Land integration, 4SQN have       the situational awareness of both individual Combat
          embarked upon a series of low cost rapid technological   Controllers and also Combat Control Teams. These
          acquisitions, focussed on the improvement of digital   capabilities include sharing of friendly and threat data, text
          situational awareness and Command and Control (C2)   chat, wide bandwidth secure communications and other
          capabilities which were previously unavailable to 4SQN   niche C2 tools. This Jericho initiative in conjunction with
          Combat Control Teams. Over this time, 4SQN have      other Jericho Air-Land initiatives has increased situational
          acquired a number of hand held situational awareness   awareness and interoperability across the FEG’s within the
          devices and integration hardware kits, that allow the   Air-Land domain. With this new equipment 4SQN have
          user to connect sensors, tactical radios, external   been able to attend BQ 16, a multinational technology
          power sources and android end user devices to form a   demonstration, focussing on Digitally-aided Close Air
          complete situational awareness suite.                Support (DaCAS) tactics, techniques and application,
                                                               using both current and emerging digital technologies.
                                                               4SQN was able to use the new equipment to successfully
                                                               conduct DaCAS utilising both Link 16 and Variable
                                                               Message Format (VMF) DaCAS messages. This has
                                                               and will continue to ensure that the Air Force and 4SQN
                                                               remain current and relevant with emerging close air
                                                               support techniques and digital technologies. The 4SQN
                                                               technology evaluation undertaken with the support of
                                                               Jericho has proven a success and has been used to
                                                               establish a concept demonstrator and a proposed Air
                                                               Force Minors project. The finalisation of this project will
                                                               provide 4SQN CCT’s the technology to ensure integration
                                                               between Air Force and other ADF units as the RAAF
                                                               continues to evolve into a 5th Generation force.

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