Page 27 - 2024-2025 Creative Writing
P. 27

Hiking the Mountain

       It was early in the morning. The sun was just setting and the wind was blowing. I checked the time–6 am. I

       looked up. The sight was breathtaking. The sun shining its golden rays on the mountain made it look even
       more majestic than it was. The mountain was made of many colors; red, blue, green, white, gray, orange, and

       yellow.  I  never  thought  that  mixing  many  colors  would  look  so  beautiful.  The  peak  was  glorious.  It  looks

       majestic and mysterious with the clouds and mist surrounding the peak. My reason for reaching this peak was

       getting  out  of  my  safety  zone.  I  think  back  to  the  reason  why  I  am  hiking  again.  I  never  liked  physical
       activities. I prefer to sit behind a desk and solve problems. It was who I was until it wasn't enough for me. I

       wanted to challenge myself to see if I was more than just smart. If I have more interesting things in me besides

       just brain. With determination, I put my backpack on and started hiking from the bottom.
       After hiking for an hour, I was tired. Sweat dripping from my face, taking short breaths too quickly, feeling

       like my legs would give out soon enough, I decided to rest on the rock that was near me. Sitting on the rock I

       looked down. It seems like I hiked at least 2 kilometers. Yet the ground looked so far away, out of my reach.
       Looking up, I saw the peak. It was still far away. From close up, it looks even more beautiful. Adrenaline

       rushed through my body. I stood up and started once again.

       With a water bottle in my hand, I checked the time. It was 11 am. I have been hiking for five hours. I decided
       to rest on the grass. The further I went, the rocks and trees started to disappear. I looked down and I was so

       high and far from where I started. I liked the view. I like being able to see everything from here. I can see the

       bigger picture and find some beautiful things that I missed before. It was just like when I was a young child

       again. My family had a vacation house and playground in the mountains. I would sit in the swing, trying to get
       as high as I could. I loved doing this, it made me think I could do anything. Finished drinking, I stood up.

       At  midnight,  I  reached  the  peak.  The  view  I  had  seen  an  hour  ago  was  incomparable  to  this.  I  can  see

       everything so clearly. I love this. All that hard work paid off. I thought back I would die seeing this view. I
       wish to live here when I get old to see this view as I am passing away. The weather was nice. I spend an hour

       sleeping, eating and just looking around and exploring. It was time to go down. I didn't want to leave but it

       was time to leave. With one last look, I turn my back to the sun and mountain.
       Hiking Mountain was to challenge myself, to see if I was more than just a smart kid. I found out I can do more

       than this. I overcame a big challenge all on my own. It was a lesson to me that all hard work pays one day and

       until then I just need to keep trying.

                                                    B. Munkhchimeg 9A
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