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目次/CONTENTS I  Iscar_PM#101.pdf   1   8/5/2559 BE   15:02

 6  編集者より一言/EDITOR’S NOTE

 •  Electric Cars Bringing a New Era for The Automotive Industry

 8  世界の動き/GLOBAL MOVEMENTS   10
 •  ホノルル・コミュニティ・カレッジ – 教育と自動車  Adapting to The New Industrial Era
   Honolulu Community College – Education and Automotive  Thailand began with Industry 1.0 when its major
 economic  driver  was  in  agriculture  and  has
 •  アップルでのプロジェクトiVehicleへの新しいサポーター
 continued to develop itself to Industry 2.0 and
   A New Supporter to The Project iVehicle by Apple  3.0 respectively. Beyond 3.0 which is in the age
 of heavy industry and export, the government
 •  オーエン・スミスと新しい産業革命への彼の挑戦
 has laid out Thailand’s master plan to go into the
   Owen Smith and His Challenges to The New Industrial Revolution  fourth generation called Thailand 4.0.

 9  アジア・太平洋の出来事/ASIA PACIFIC AFFAIRS

 •  中国とNEVを通じて経済におけるその上昇
   China and Its Rise in Economic Through The NEV
 •  船上でインターネット接続をすることによる顧客ニーズを満たす
   Airline in China Satisfying Customer Needs by Having Internet    16   Y
   Connection on Board
 Major Production Material Trends in
 •  シンガポールと自己駆動タクシーでのテスト  MY
 Aerospace Industry
   Adapting To The New Industrial Era  CY
 According to Deloitte, over the next 20 years,
 passenger and freight traffic are expected to grow   CMY
 10 カバーストーリー/COVER STORY  at an average annual growth rate of 4.6 % and
 4.4 % respectively. This growth will contribute to   K
 •  新しい産業の時代に適応すること
 an increase in aircraft production and higher
   Adapting to The New Industrial Era  demands of aerospace materials.

 16 ケース スタディ/CASE STUDY
 •  航空宇宙産業における大きな生産資材傾向
   Major Production Material Trends in Aerospace Industry

 20 環境に配慮したものづくり/GREEN MANUFACTURING

 •  プラグ・イン・アンド・ゴー:EV自動車の高まり
   Plug in and go: The Rise of EV Automobiles
 24 業界動向/INDUSTRY TRENDS   Plug in and go: The Rise of EV
 •  あなたは、ロボット経済の準備ができているか?
 Tesla has demonstrated that electric vehicles
   Are You Ready for The Robot Economy?
 (EV) can result in a superior automotive product
 in terms of driving performance, safety, comfort
 and even convenience with the recent unveiling
 28 エネルギー展望/ ENERGY OUTLOOK
 of Tesla’s Model 3 in the US market resulting in
 the largest product pre-orders in history shaping
 •  世界的大国市場動向
 a clearer picture of the automobile market
   Global Power Market Trends  landscape.

 2       Asia Pacific Plant Management                                                               ENQUIRY NO.  101 560
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