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ケーススタディ/Case study

                            INDUSTRY 4.0 – The 4

               Industrial Revolution Reshaping

                        the Manufacturing Sector

          The latest advances in information technology have created a big impact on every sector and will completely
          change manufacturing worldwide. This drastic change is leading the world industry into the 4  industrial
          revolution otherwise known as Industry 4.0.

          The Emergence of Industry 4.0                       The second industrial revolution came in the late 1800s
                                                              when they applied electrical energy, new labor-concepts
          Industry 4.0 was first introduced to the world in 2011   and the first production lines had appeared on the scene.
          by the German government to advance the integration   The third one was not so long ago: about forty years
          of production with  information and communication   ago everything was about automation after the first
          technologies. In such context, digitalization, automation,   PLC was invented. Now comes the 4  revolution with
          human-machine interaction as well as better networked   the emergence of 5G which has created the Internet of
          production systems play an important role.          Things (IoT) and Big Data.

          The basic objective of Industry 4.0 is for manufacturing   Key Considerations
          companies to benefit from the progress already achieved
          and  expected  in  the  near  future  in  Information  and   For a factory or system to be considered Industry 4.0,
          Communication Technology (ICT). Industry 4.0 will rely   it must include;
          heavily on the progress of wireless communication
          technologies  with  major  global  telecommunication    •   Interoperability — machines, devices, sensors and
          companies such as Ericsson, Nokia, Siemens and          people that connect and communicate with one
          IBM currently developing 5G networks to achieve         another.
          significantly faster speeds. The new development will    •   Information transparency — systems that create a
          impact the manufacturing sector not only on sensors and       virtual copy of the physical world through sensor
          machines within a factory but for more industrial sites       data in order to contextualize information.
          to be connected to each other. For instance, an event    •   Technical assistance — the ability of systems
          occurring in a plant in Europe will be able to modify and       to support humans in making decisions and solving
          improve the process of another plant in Japan.          problems and the ability to assist with tasks that
                                                                  are too difficult or unsafe for humans.
          The Journey of the 1  to the 4  Industrial Revolution   •   Decentralized decision-making —  the ability  of
                                                                  cyber-physical systems to make simple decisions
          The essence of all revolutions in the past has been to       on their own and become as autonomous as
          implement a whole new technology in industries making       possible.
          processes faster and safer, better products and increases
          in yield. During the first revolution in the 18  century the   There are also challenges that manufacturers face;
          big change was the invention of mechanical production
          facilities which were driven by water and steam and was    •   Data security issues are greatly increased by
          when the first steam engine was introduced.             integrating new systems along with more access
                                                                  to those systems.

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