Page 2 - HEPACO Tablets Reference Guide - 12.12.2017
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Tablet Reference Guide
Daily Routine for CDL drivers:
1. At the start of the work day (i.e. when you start your timesheet), turn on your tablet and open the “WorkPlan” App.
2. If you are preparing to drive a vehicle, select the appropriate vehicle and complete your DVIR
a. No further action is needed until you are taking your DOT break, switching vehicles or are done for the day.
b. Once a vehicle is selected, the program will automatically identify whether you are driving or not as long as you have your
tablet and have selected the appropriate vehicle.
3. If you do not yet have a vehicle, select “No Vehicle.”
a. No further action is needed until you are taking your DOT break, preparing to drive a vehicle or are done for the day.
4. To prepare to drive a vehicle or to switch a vehicle, select the “Vehicle” icon.
a. If driving for the first time today, choose your vehicle and complete your DVIR
b. If switching vehicles, select “Switch Vehicle,” complete your post-DVIR for your current vehicle, then select the new
vehicle and complete your pre-DVIR
5. To take your DOT Break, select the “HOS” icon
a. Then select “OFF – Off Duty” box
b. Select “DOT Break”
c. Enter comment if applicable
d. Confirm current session mileage
e. Agree to the log
f. When your DOT break is completed, you can either select “ON- On Duty” or begin driving again.
6. When you are done for the day, click the power button on the bottom right of the WorkPlan screen
a. Complete your post-DVIR