Page 3 - HEPACO Tablets Reference Guide - 12.12.2017
P. 3

Tablet Reference Guide

        How to complete a DVIR
            1.  You will be automatically prompted to complete a DVIR for your vehicle when you log into WorkPlan for the first time each day
                   a.  Or, once you are in Workplan, you can select the “DVIR” icon to begin
            2.  Select the Vehicle you will be driving
            3.  In the next screen, confirm that the Asset # and Odometer reading match your vehicle
                   a.  Note:  for older vehicles, Odometer reading may need to be entered manually
            4.  Review the listed items and select Pass or Fail on the right side of the screen.  If you Fail any item
                   a.  Enter a detailed comment in the speech bubble to the left of the item you failed
                   b.  Email, call or text your supervisor/manager to notify them which vehicle failed (In future updates, this notification process will become automated)
                   c.  Sign the report, click submit and the return to the main screen to select another vehicle
            5.  If all items Pass, check the box, next to “No Defects”, sign your name and click submit
            6.  In the next screen,
                   a.  Confirm the Odometer Reading
                   b.  Enter a Co-Driver or type “NA”
                   c.  Enter a Trailer Asset Number (ex. 60-1234) or type “NA”
                   d.  Enter the BL/Manifest Number or type “NA”
                   e.  Enter the Shipper & Commodity or type “NA”
                   f.  Click “Done”
            7.  You have now completed your DOT DVIR.  DVIRs you complete will be stored on your tablet for up to 7 days and will be stored in our online system until they are
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